Love life composition 400 words urgent!

Love life composition 400 words urgent!

We can learn to live life only once, which shows that life is especially valuable. Therefore, we should cherish life more. If we want to cherish life, we must learn to live and learn to protect ourselves. In the past, when we saw kidnapping and robbery cases on TV or in magazines, we all felt that it was out of reach of us. But since a news we saw a year ago, we put

400 words about loving life
Well, five

In such a big world, there are countless lives, some great, some small, but what I appreciate most is a humble but tenacious plant - Cactus. Falling in love with cactus comes from a pot of craft cactus (that is, the kind of pot picking with colorful leaves). That day, I went to the flower market with a few friends and entered

Write a simple historical story about civilization and etiquette,

At that time, the leader of an ethnic minority in Yunnan expressed his support for the Tang Dynasty, and sent special envoy mianbogao to contribute a swan to Taizong. When passing the Mianyang River, the kind-hearted mianbogao released the swan from the cage and wanted to give it a bath

Please write a story of civilization, etiquette and history you collected in simple language. No more than 100 words

Cheng menlixue's allusion "Cheng menlixue" tells the story of the Song Dynasty scholar Yang Shi and you Yao's learning from Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi. Er Cheng was born in Yichuan, Luoyang, and was also a famous Confucian scholar in the Song Dynasty. Later, the theory of Er Cheng was inherited and developed by Zhu Xi, and was known as the "Cheng Zhu school". Yang Shi and you Yao studied from Er Cheng with great respect, After Cheng Hao died, they were both 40 years old and had been admitted to the Imperial College. However, they had to go to Cheng Yi to continue their studies. The story happened on the day when they first visited Cheng Yi in Songyang Academy. It is said that one day, Yang Shi and you Yao came to Songyang academy to visit Cheng Yi. They met this old gentleman, who was sitting in a nap with his eyes closed, Yang and you were afraid to disturb their husband's rest, so they had to stand respectfully and wait for him to open his eyes. After waiting for a long time, Cheng Yi woke up like Luo. When she saw Yang and you, she pretended to be surprised and said, "ah, ah, I've been here for a long time." that means you two are still here. It's a cold winter day. I don't know when, It began to snow. The snow outside the door is more than a foot deep. This story is called "Cheng men Li Xue". It is very popular among scholars in the Song Dynasty. Later, when people describe respecting teachers and asking for advice sincerely, they often quote this allusion and this idiom