Please write a brief history story of civilization and etiquette you collected. No more than 100 words. Quick. Urgent

Please write a brief history story of civilization and etiquette you collected. No more than 100 words. Quick. Urgent

Kong Rong let the pear (when Kong Rong was four years old, he often ate the pear with his brother. Every time, Kong Rong always took the smallest pear. He thought he was his younger brother, the youngest, should eat the small one, and the big one should be given to his brother.)

In the language of the brief introduction, this paper talks about the story of "mother-in-law stabbing" and why the author thinks of him
Hurry, please. Less words

Are you Chinese?

Do you know the story of mother-in-law's tattoo? Please tell the story in a concise way and talk about why the author thinks of her

The mother-in-law's tattoo is a story that the mother-in-law, in order to educate her son to be young, set up ambition, serve the motherland with practical actions, and tattoo the words "loyal to serve the country" on her son's back
Next question, pro, I don't know what the original question is. I can't answer it

Talk about mother-in-law's Ci words in brief

Yue Fei's mother tattooed the word "loyal to serve the country" on his back to encourage him to wipe out the Tartars. "The difference between the word" mother-in-law tattoo "and Deng Jiaxian's deeds can be seen from their patriotism