Fifth grade volume 25 lesson seven temperament Long March Jinsha water beat cloud cliff warm, Dadu bridge horizontal iron cable cold meaning

Fifth grade volume 25 lesson seven temperament Long March Jinsha water beat cloud cliff warm, Dadu bridge horizontal iron cable cold meaning

There are cliffs on both sides of Jinsha River. The rushing water is beating the towering cliffs on both sides of Jinsha River. It feels warm. Luding Bridge on Dadu River only has more than 30 iron ropes on both sides, which makes people feel deeply cold

In the Qilu Long March, the Jinsha River is warm on the cloud cliff, and the Dadu bridge is cold on the iron rope

From the warm font meeting to the happy mood of the Red Army after crossing the Jinsha River skillfully, the cold font has written the thrilling and solemn story of the Red Army's flying over Luding Bridge, highlighting the heroic spirit of the Red Army soldiers