Jinsha water beat cloud cliff warm, Dadu bridge horizontal iron cable cold

Jinsha water beat cloud cliff warm, Dadu bridge horizontal iron cable cold

The antonyms of "warm" and "cold" in the neck couplet are the two emotional acupoints carefully designed by the poet. The word "warm" is warm and joyful, which shows the joy of overcoming difficulties; the word "cold" is cold and severe, which conveys the aftertaste after dying. The two adjectives are the great change of spirit and the fission of emotion, which contains endless meanings

Notes of the long march: only leisurely, Teng Xiaolang, walk the mud ball, cloud cliff warm, Tiesuo cold, do Kaiyan
I know the answer, no need

It's just a normal thing
Billows: (like) small, rolling waves
Walk mud ball: like rolling mud ball at the foot
Yunya warm: (although) the cliff is very critical, (but) the soldiers are warm in the heart
Tiesuohan: iron chain (shaking, casualties a lot of people), chilly bursts
All smiles: (after crossing the snow mountain)

What do the "thin waves" and "mud balls" in the poems of the seven laws Long March refer to? They are expressed as "Teng thin waves" and "Zou mud balls" (supplement below)
What is the spirit of a soldier?

The winding Wuling mountains are described as small waves and the majestic Wumeng mountains as mud balls, which shows the Red Army's (optimistic) and (fearless) spirit

"Teng Xi Lang", "Zou Ni Wan", "Yun Ya Nuan" in Qilu · Long March,

"Teng Xi Lang" means water is very shallow
"Zou Ni Wan" means the mountain is very low
"Cloud cliff warm" Jinsha River water, feel warm in the heart, suggesting optimistic mood
"Tie Suo Han" implies that the tie Suo bridge of Dadu River is very high, which makes people feel chilly