Divide the second paragraph into three layers in chronological order and write down the meaning of each layer Guilin, with its world-class landscape, has left an indelible impression on people, while Xiangshan, with its special spirit, is even more attractive In the morning, when there is fog, the whole mountain is shrouded in white. Soon, the milky white fog is flowing and fading. Through the crevice of the cloud flow, the dark blue cliff and mountain trees are faintly visible. At this time, the distant horizon is slightly gray blue, and the smoke continues to fade and thin, like a layer of gossamer. From the blue veil, the outline of the giant elephant continues to appear in front of us, It's stretching its nose to drink water in the river. I don't know if it's the clouds floating and the sleeping elephant mountain wriggling, which makes people feel that it's a living statue standing in front of us. Later, the sky is blue, and the mist is tied into a milky ribbon, which encircles the elephant mountain. It's amazing that the elephant is floating on the ribbon

Divide the second paragraph into three layers in chronological order and write down the meaning of each layer Guilin, with its world-class landscape, has left an indelible impression on people, while Xiangshan, with its special spirit, is even more attractive In the morning, when there is fog, the whole mountain is shrouded in white. Soon, the milky white fog is flowing and fading. Through the crevice of the cloud flow, the dark blue cliff and mountain trees are faintly visible. At this time, the distant horizon is slightly gray blue, and the smoke continues to fade and thin, like a layer of gossamer. From the blue veil, the outline of the giant elephant continues to appear in front of us, It's stretching its nose to drink water in the river. I don't know if it's the clouds floating and the sleeping elephant mountain wriggling, which makes people feel that it's a living statue standing in front of us. Later, the sky is blue, and the mist is tied into a milky ribbon, which encircles the elephant mountain. It's amazing that the elephant is floating on the ribbon

When there is fog in the morning, the whole elephant mountain is shrouded in white. / / after a while, the milky white fog is flowing and diminishing. Through the gap of the fog flow, the dark blue stone cliffs and mountain villages can be seen. At this time, the sky in the distance is slightly gray blue, and the smoke continues to decline and become thin, like a layer of gauze. / / from this gauze curtain, the outline of the giant elephant immediately appears in front of us, It is stretching its nose to drink water in the river. I don't know whether the clouds are drifting or the elephant mountain is wriggling. It makes people feel that it is a living elephant standing in front of us. After a while, the sky is blue, and the mist is tied into a milky ribbon, which encircles the elephant mountain, as if the elephant is standing on the ribbon
1. Write the scene of fog 2, write the scene of light fog 3, write Xiangshan

Why are some beaches rocks and some beaches?
Who can explain why

In addition, the coast is rocky, and reefs may appear, while the beach is in small waves or at the mouth of the sea

How is the beach formed? Why are there beaches and reefs

The beach is formed by the impact of waves. The reef can be composed of biological reefs, volcanic rocks or continental rocks extending underwater. Because it is distributed in the sea or close to the coast, it is not good for coastal fisheries and navigation. The reef is often covered with seashells and shells. If the scale of the reef is large, it is called an island

How do reefs form