What kind of thoughts and feelings does spring express

What kind of thoughts and feelings does spring express

This is an impromptu poem, which describes the mood of outing in spring and the scene of spring. It is also a poem about reason and interest. The author combines the soft and bright spring with the author's happy mood in a simple way

What kind of thoughts and feelings does Sun Changyin express in his poem?

Ching Ming [Tang]. Sun Changyin, in the late spring, looked at the north mountain. Wutong fire opened a new flame, Tung flower sends branches. Shen Shen was ashamed of the old year's things. The banquet was blocked by friends. It was not as good as birds in the woods. They moved to Joe's conjones. In March, in the late spring, I looked at the hills in the north of the city with sadness.

How does Qingming express the author's thoughts and feelings

It expresses the author's thoughts and feelings in memory of his deceased relatives