Our love is a stream, mother's love is the ocean. Our love is, mother's love is. 2, what do you think of childhood Not less than twenty words

Our love is a stream, mother's love is the ocean. Our love is, mother's love is. 2, what do you think of childhood Not less than twenty words

1. It's very simple. Just imitate the previous relationship. Grass and grassland, trees and forests, stars and night sky are OK. 2. It varies from person to person. Everyone's experience is different, so the taste of childhood is your memory

Some people say that the stream is the childhood of the sea. Others say that the flower is the childhood of the fruit. Others say that the seedling is the childhood of the rice
Some people say that he Miao is the childhood of rice. I just got the wrong number

I know that this is the sky's eyes on the white clouds, this is the reef's eyes on the waves, this is the river fish's eyes. This kind of eyes, only belong to the mother
Copy the sentence and write two more such sentences

I know that this is the earth's love for grass, the sea's love for fish, and the earth's love for human beings. This love only belongs to the mother

Imitation: I know that this is the sky's eyes on white clouds, this is the reef's eyes on waves, this is the riverbed's eyes on small fish

I know that this is the earth's eyes on grass, this is the sea's eyes on fish