Sentences describing cool breeze in summer evening and seaside scenery

Sentences describing cool breeze in summer evening and seaside scenery

Midsummer, near the night, the afterglow of the setting sun has not dissipated, cicada call lazily in the tree, the air is filled with a faint fragrance of flowers, showing a lazy atmosphere. There is the afterglow of the setting sun on the horizon, the red of the sunset is rendering the sky, the sea seems to have become gentle, gently send the waves to the soft beach and then go back

There are 300 students in hope primary school. This semester, the number of girls has increased by 5% and that of boys by 4%, with a total increase of 13. How many girls are there in hope primary school?

There are x girls in hope primary school
X = 100
A: there were 100 girls in hope primary school