What is the formula for the area and perimeter of a cone

What is the formula for the area and perimeter of a cone

Let the generatrix length of the cone be l and the radius of the circle on the bottom be r
Then the radius of the expanded sector is l, and the arc length is 2 π R (that is, the circumference of the bottom circle). According to the sector area formula, the side area s = 1 / 2 * L * 2 π r = l π R

What is the surface area of a triangle

You mean pyramid?
Triangle area: base times height divided by 2
Pyramid surface area: if there are several triangles, add a few areas
There is no formula for surface area
There is a formula for volume

Cylinder, cone, circle, triangle volume and surface area formula? What are the conditions to use this formula?

There is only volume formula for a cone, but no surface area formula. The volume formula of a cone is one third of the bottom area × height. The volume formula of a cylinder is the bottom area multiplied by height. The surface area is the side area of the cylinder + the area of two bottom surfaces [the side area of the cylinder equals the perimeter of the bottom surface * height]. The area formula of a circle is the square of the radius * π, The perimeter is the diameter * π. A triangle has only the formula of area. The area of a triangle = base × height △ 2

How to calculate the surface area formula of triangle cone
If you know everything, you need the surface area formula

A triangle cone? What's that? A cone, right?
S = π R (L + R). Is the total area
R is the radius of the circle at the bottom of the cone
L is the bus length of the cone

Cuboid volume calculation formula
For example, what is the volume of a rectangle
50 * 60 * 70 / 1000000 = 0.21 M3
So if the volume is to be changed to 0.13 cubic meters, what is the length * width * height?
50 * 60 * 70 is proportional 0.13 / 0.21 = 61.90%
1000000 is immutable
How to convert?
The one on the first floor is wrong. You can count it yourself
My answer is 0.13
thank you!

The process of this problem has infinite decimals. If you divide it, it will be inaccurate
The root sign cubic of 0.13 / root sign cubic of 0.21 is about 0.8522651
If you use Nanyan's computer, you can get more accurate data

Cuboid volume calculation formula

Cuboid volume = length * width * height

The letter formula for calculating the volume of a cuboid is______ The letter formula for calculating cube volume is______ .

(1) The letter formula of cuboid volume is: v = ABH; (2) the letter formula of cuboid volume is: v = A3; so the answer is: v = ABH; v = A3

Calculation formula of triangle volume

It should be a triangle. The area of a triangle is multiplied by its width. A triangle is a face, not a body, so it has only area and no volume,

What is the volume formula of triangle?

You are talking about the triangular pyramid, because the triangle is a plane figure, a two-dimensional figure, only the area, no volume, three-dimensional solid figure has volume. The volume of the triangular pyramid = the area of any side of the triangular pyramid * the height of the surface * 1 / 3, I hope it is useful for you~

The volume formula of triangle

The volume of a triangular pyramid = the area of any side of the pyramid * the height of that side * 1 / 4
I.e. volume = 1 / 4 (bottom area * height)