6 times of a number is 4.8 times more than 3 times of it

6 times of a number is 4.8 times more than 3 times of it

Let this number be x, and the following equation is obtained

8 (× - 6.2) = 41.6 (equation)

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[5 + x] * 8 / 2 = 6,

You mean (5 + x) * 4, and you mean (5 + x) multiplied by 8 and divided by 2. Which is it, please? OK, maybe the second one. Let me try the original formula = 40 + 8x / 2 = 6 40 + 8x = 6 * 2 8x = 12-40

The solution of equation 5 + 2x = 16.2 is 5.6______ (judge right or wrong)

Solution: 5 + 2x = 16.2, & nbsp; 5-5 + 2x = 16.2-5, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 2x = 11.2, & nbsp; 2x △ 2 = 11.2 △ 2, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 5.6