For a simplest fraction, the sum of numerator and denominator is 70. If the numerator and denominator are all reduced by 5, the original fraction can be obtained by 2 / 3

For a simplest fraction, the sum of numerator and denominator is 70. If the numerator and denominator are all reduced by 5, the original fraction can be obtained by 2 / 3

Calculation method: let the fraction be x / y
Then x + y = 70, (X-5) / (Y-5) = 2 / 3,
By simplifying the second formula, we get 3x-2y = 5,
By combining with the first equation, a system of quadratic equations with two variables is obtained,
The results of solving the equations are: x = 29, y = 41
So the score is 29 / 41

For a fraction, the sum of its numerator and denominator is 40. If the numerator and denominator are both added with 25, the resulting fraction is reduced to 2 / 3, and the original fraction is 40(

Solution: the original numerator is line and the denominator is y
A: the original score was 29 / 11

The sum of the numerator and denominator of a fraction is 67. If the numerator and denominator are respectively added with 5, the ratio of the son and denominator of the fraction is 2:5?

The original score was 17 / 50

The numerator of a number is expanded to 5 times of its numerator, and the denominator to 6 times of its numerator. After simplification, the original number fraction is 3 / 5
What's the meaning of the formula!

Let the original fraction be y / X
The numerator expands to five times its size, and the denominator expands to six times its size
It becomes 5Y / (6x) = 3 / 5
So x = 25
The original score was 18 / 25