What practical significance do you think scientific management theory has in today's management practice? Ask for a short article, not just a few words

What practical significance do you think scientific management theory has in today's management practice? Ask for a short article, not just a few words

The theory of scientific management, that is, the application of scientific methods to determine the "best way" to engage in work, is a guide to improve production efficiency. When managers analyze the basic tasks, they use time and action research to eliminate wasteful actions, select the best qualified workers to engage in specific work, and design an incentive reward system based on output. All these are the application of scientific management principles
Taylor's achievements are enormous. To sum up, his influence has continued to the present day in at least the following aspects, and has become the wisdom foundation of modern management theory. First, he used experimental methods to study management problems, and created a precedent for empirical management research. Instead of sitting in the college to make interesting logical inference, Taylor stepped down from the factory, went deep into the workshop, and did a lot of famous experiments, As short as a few days a week, as long as 26 years, such as metal cutting experiments. This is just like bacon and Galileo first introduced experimental methods in science and philosophy, which made modern science and philosophy become a real science, and made management become a real serious and rigorous science, Two, opening up an infinitely wide new field for management research. (4) creating the analysis of individual or partial workflow is the creative contribution of Taylor, the originator of process / process management. He also first selected a part of the field operation management of the whole enterprise management, and studied it from the small to the earth. Inductive method is a kind of inductive research method, that is, from many specific cases or experimental results, inductive method is more important than deductive method in applied or practical science, such as management. The action research and time research of single or partial workflow, together, is the process efficiency research, which is followed by later generations, Now the popular business process reengineering just inherits the lingering charm of Mr. Taylor. Third, it takes the lead to propose that the experience management method can be replaced by the scientific management method, thus opening up the vision of management, The reason is that for the first time, he broke through the limited vision of experience approach in management research, and proposed for the first time that scientific management with higher efficiency and efficiency should replace the experiential management of traditional small workshop masters' personal experience or personal experience accumulation. This tells us that although experience is important and fundamental for management, it is far from decisive and unique, Since then, people have realized the importance and necessity of introducing scientific research methods into management. Fourth, he is the first to put forward the idea of work standardization, which is the founder of standardized or benchmarked management, Its purpose is to achieve the maximum production efficiency under the actual production conditions, but its research results are in the form of standardization, the standardization of various links and elements. This is a very important research achievement of quantitative management of standards, which has opened the precedent of standardization management, Standardized management has become a universal core component of modern management, not just production management. Fifthly, it is the first time to distinguish the work of the manager from that of the managed. Management is regarded as a researchable science for the first time, He emphasized that division of labor and specialization are important for improving production efficiency. Therefore, he first proposed that the work of the manager and the managed is actually different. In short, the manager is mainly planning, while the managed is mainly implementing. In addition, the manager has to carry out extra routine management. Mr. Taylor even designed a management mode of functional foreman system, This model may not be applicable, but his thought is still alive. Separating management from production is an important symbol of management specialization and professionalization. Therefore, management is recognized as a science that needs independent research. Sixth, it is proposed for the first time that human nature must be considered in management transformation, Taylor's philosophy of scientific management is nothing earth shattering. But for Taylor himself and his time, it is exactly the same thing. Taylor himself declared that "scientific management in essence requires a comprehensive psychological revolution for workers and managers in any specific organization or organization. There is no such psychological revolution, Scientific management does not exist. "What he said does not exist means that it can not be correctly understood, accepted and smoothly implemented. The reason is that if people can not change their thinking from small-scale agricultural production to industrialized production, the new measures of labor capital cooperation to improve production efficiency and enhance the overall welfare of both sides will not be implemented, Taylor considered that management change is related to many aspects of human nature. Although he did not carry out in-depth research, he suggested that enterprises should consider the feelings of people at all levels, especially emphasizing that workers should be able to work happily under the new method and get higher pay. This shows that although Taylor is more concerned about improving the overall efficiency of social production, But he is not cruel to workers. He is just a management scholar, not the Savior of the times, but a servant of the Savior in factory management. He has done his best. People do have souls. Many ancestors like Taylor will always live in people's hearts. Let's cherish the achievements they have prepared for us, And with reverence and universal humanity, we continue to strive for the betterment of human society

This paper briefly introduces the basic content of behavior science theory, and analyzes its guiding significance to contemporary management practice?

Basic contents: 1) individual behavior: it is the basic unit of behavior science to analyze and study people's behavior in enterprise organization. In the level of individual behavior, behavior science mainly studies two kinds of problems with the theory and method of psychology. One is the psychological factors that affect individual behavior; the other is the people about personality

What is the theoretical core of scientific management theory, behavioral science theory and management science theory?

The core of Taylor's scientific management theory is to analyze the feasibility of applying scientific management theory to school management. Combined with the characteristics of school management publicity, the competition mechanism is introduced into school management, so as to combine scientific management, humanistic management and moral management, improve the efficiency of school management, and realize the goal and efficiency of school
The core idea of behavioral science theory is to require managers to treat employees as a person and treat people as valuable resources that need to be protected and developed, rather than just an element of production. In other words, the school of "crowd relations behavioral science" advocates a kind of perceptual management rather than rational management
[management science] the core of management
In the market economy, there is no "free use" of capital, and every source of capital has its cost. Only when the return of capital invested by the enterprise exceeds the cost of capital, can it create value
In order to measure whether a plan can create value for an enterprise, we introduce the concept of net present value (NPV). All business activities of an enterprise can use it to judge whether it will create value for the enterprise
Peter Drucker, a famous management master, said: "modern enterprises have no more than two functions marketing and innovation". From a certain point of view, these two functions are all around the core of value: marketing is a functional activity to create value for the present, while innovation is a functional activity to maintain the future competitive advantage and create value for the future
We know that when the net present value is positive, the enterprise is expected to generate more cash profits than the cost of compensating shareholders' capital, and the excess profits will inevitably attract a large number of competitors to enter the market, The most effective barriers are to have core technology patents, valuable brands and create a unique distribution channel. The reason why Dell's stock market value and sales volume surpass compaq's is that it has created a way of online sales and achieved great success