Find the slope and inclination of the line passing through each of the following two points: C (10,8), D (4, - 4) I will ask for the slope, but I don't know how to ask for the slope angle. Which prawn can help me.

Find the slope and inclination of the line passing through each of the following two points: C (10,8), D (4, - 4) I will ask for the slope, but I don't know how to ask for the slope angle. Which prawn can help me.


Find the slope and inclination angle of the straight line passing through point (2, - 2) (4,2)

Tilt angle = arctan2

Given that the slope of a straight line is - 1, why the inclination angle is 135 degrees? The inclination angle should be in the range of 0-90 degrees

Tan 135 = Tan (180-45) = - Tan 45 degrees = - 1. The tilt angle can be in the range of 0-360 degrees

A is the inclination angle of the straight line L, and Sina + cosa = 1 / 5
I figured it out to be - 4 / 3 or - 3 / 4. Why give up the latter

You can check from the images of sina and cosa that when the slope of the line is greater than - 1, the angle of the line is greater than 135 degrees. In this case, Sina + cosa will be a negative number instead of a positive one fifth

It is known that the focus of ellipse x ^ 2 / 45 + y ^ 2 / 20 = 1 is F1 and F2 respectively. A straight line passing through the center O intersects the ellipse at a and B. when the area of △ abf2 is the largest, calculate the AB square of the straight line at this time

It is known that the focus of ellipse x ^ 2 / 45 + y ^ 2 / 20 = 1 is F1 and F2 respectively. When a line crosses ellipse A and B through center O, the AB equation of the line is obtained when the area of △ abf2 is the largest. Elliptic equation: X & sup2 / 45 + Y & sup2 / 20 = 1, C & sup2; = 45-20 = 25, C = 5, B = 2 √ 5f2 (5,0)

The two focal points of the ellipse X & sup2 / 16 + Y & sup2 / 7 = 1 are F1 and F2 respectively. If the straight line passing through F1 intersects the ellipse at two points a and B, then the perimeter of △ abf2 is

Perimeter = AF1 + BF1 + af2 + BF2 = 4A = 16

It is known that F1 and F2 are the two focal points of the ellipse X & sup2 / 16 + Y & sup2 / 9 = 1. The straight line passing through F1 intersects the ellipse at two points a and B, if the area of the inscribed circle of △ abf2 is π
It is known that F1 and F2 are the two focal points of the ellipse X & # 178 / 16 + Y & # 178 / 9 = 1. The straight line passing through F1 intersects the ellipse at two points a and B. if the area of the inscribed circle of △ abf2 is π, and the coordinates of a and B are (x1, Y1) (X2, Y2), then the value of | y1-y2 | is


Let the two focuses of the ellipse x ^ 2 / 45 + y ^ 2 / 20 = 1 be F1, F2, p be a point on the ellipse, and Pf1 is perpendicular to PF2, then | Pf1 | - | PF2 | =?

In accordance with the meaning of the project, the [[[Pf1 ||| [Pf1 | ^ 2 +