Two fifths of the number a is less than one-half of the number B by 5. Given that the number B is 20, find the number a

Two fifths of the number a is less than one-half of the number B by 5. Given that the number B is 20, find the number a

Let a be X
The solution is x = 12.5

3.2 × 0.25 × 0.125 (simple calculation)


3.2 × 0.25 × 0.125 (simple calculation) (writing process)


25 + 125 * 3.2 simple operation

I don't know if it's easy enough

Simple calculation: [5-3 and 7 / 8 ÷ (1 and 5 / 6 + 2.25 × 1 / 3)] 0.125

[5-3 + 7 / 8 (1 + 5 / 6 + 2.25 × 1 / 3)] 0.125
=[5-3 and 7 / 8 △ (11 / 6 + 9 / 4 × 1 / 3)] 1 / 8

39.7 × 2.8 + 3.97 × 72


How to calculate 72 × 39 + 72 simply?
Use the ladder equation!


Simple calculation of 39 * 8 + 6 * 39-39-4


How to use recursive equation to calculate 45 times 45 + 55 times 45


55 times 45 minus 45 times 45 simple calculation with recursive equation