Simple calculation of 17 × 19 + 17

Simple calculation of 17 × 19 + 17




Simple calculation of 2000 × 2000-1997 × 2001 = 4003




1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 how to calculate in a simple way?

Add? You can do that
Original formula = 1999 * 4 = (2000-1) * 4 = 8000-4 = 7996

Evaluation 1999 × 2000 × 2000 / 2000 × 1999 × 1999

Write the formula 1999 × 2000 × 2000 / 2000 × 1999 × 1999 into a fraction. The numerator and denominator of 1999 and 2000 are about to be deleted. The numerator is only 2000 and the denominator is only 1999, so the answer is 2000 / 1999
If you don't understand, you can ask me again

Two 100 digits 111 11 (100 ones) and 999 The product of 99 (99 nines) has () odd numbers

11 * 9 = 99111 * 99 = 109891111 * 999 = 110988911111 * 9999 = 111098889, (sequence an is 111 11 (n + 1 one) and 999 99 (n 9) product, n > = 2, then an = 111 (n-1 1) 098 (n-1 8) 9, when n = 99, there are 98 1 and 2 9 in the product, a total of 100 odd numbers

There are several even numbers in the product of 111... 11 (2010 1) × 999.. 99 (2010 9)

1 × 9 = 9 has 0 even numbers;
11 × 99 = 1089 has two even numbers; 0 and 8
111 × 999 = 110889 has 3 even numbers: 0, 8, 8
1111 × 9999 = 11108889 has 4 even numbers; 0, 8, 8, 8
11111 × 99999 = 1111088889 has 5 even numbers; 0, 8, 8, 8
…… ……
According to this rule, the product of 2010 1 × 2010 9 contains 2010 even numbers

555…… (10 5) and 999 What is the sum of the digits of the product of (10 nines)


How many odd numbers are there in the product of 111 '` 11 and 999' ` 99?
If you can explain it in detail, it would be better
