If a four digit number is the product of three primes and the sum of the squares of the three primes is 39630, then the natural number is?

If a four digit number is the product of three primes and the sum of the squares of the three primes is 39630, then the natural number is?

one thousand nine hundred and ninety
If the sum of squares of three prime numbers is even, one of them must be 2
The sum of the squares of the other two numbers is 39626
If the last digit of the sum of squares of two prime numbers is 6, one must be 1 and the other 5
The prime number with the last digit 5 is only 5, and the other prime number is 5
So the square of the remaining number is 39601 = 199 ^ 2
So this four digit number is 199 * 2 * 5 = 1990

If the sum of squares of three different prime numbers equals 6270, then these three prime numbers are? Expressions

If the sum of squares of three different primes is equal to 6270, one of them must be 2, and the sum of squares of the other two primes is 6266. Because these two primes are prime numbers and not equal to 2, the number of single digits must be odd, the number of single digits after the square can only be 1, 5, 9, and the number of single digits of the sum of squares is 6, so there must be one of these two primes with five digits and five digits

The multiplication of two prime numbers equals zero
The multiplication of two prime numbers is equal to the following number:
The two prime numbers are: () ()
It must be prime

The two numbers are: 152364578295638926457823864873245782636894213689 and 2645882343162269751283229834811883263854187528123598312432