M (- 3,0), n (3,0), P is a point in the plane, pm-pn = 6, find the P trajectory equation

M (- 3,0), n (3,0), P is a point in the plane, pm-pn = 6, find the P trajectory equation

Right branch hyperbola

Two points m (- 5,0) n (5,0) in the plane are known. In the following lines, the existence point P belongs to l such that | PM | - | PN|
=The line L of 6 "has_ ?1.y=x+1 ; 2.y=2 ; 3.y=4/3x ; 4.y=2x+1

Then the locus of P is a branch of hyperbola
So B = 4
The equation is X & # 178 / 9-y & # 178 / 16 = 1 (x ≥ 3)
Asymptote y = (4 / 3) x
Y = x + 1, the slope is 14 / 3, and there is no common point with the trajectory of P
Therefore, choose (1) (2)