In the plane rectangular coordinate system, the point whose abscissa and ordinate are integers is called integral point. Let the unit length of the coordinate axis be 1 cm, the integral point P starts from the origin o, and the velocity is 1 cm And point P can only move up or right When point P starts from point O for several seconds, the integral point (10,5) can be obtained

In the plane rectangular coordinate system, the point whose abscissa and ordinate are integers is called integral point. Let the unit length of the coordinate axis be 1 cm, the integral point P starts from the origin o, and the velocity is 1 cm And point P can only move up or right When point P starts from point O for several seconds, the integral point (10,5) can be obtained

Can you walk obliquely? If you can't, no matter how you walk, you will walk horizontally for 10 steps and upward for 5 steps. That's 15 seconds
If you can walk obliquely, of course, it's Pythagorean theorem. Just calculate its hypotenuse, which is (five root sign, five) seconds

In the plane rectangular coordinate system, let the unit length of the coordinate axis be 1 cm, the integer point P starts from the origin o, the speed is 1 cm / s, and the point P can only move up or right
(1) When point P starts from point O for 5 seconds, the number of certificate points can be obtained. When point P starts from point O for 5 seconds, the integer points (3,4) can be obtained
(2) Please describe the characteristics of the integer point that you find after starting x seconds

(1) 5, 3 + 4 = 7 seconds
(2) The sum of abscissa and ordinate is equal to X

In the plane rectangular coordinate system, the unit length is 1cm, a snail starts from the origin, the speed is 1cm | min, and can only go up or right,
After crawling for 1 minute, it can reach (1,0) (0,1). What about crawling for 2 minutes? Which points are they? 3 minutes? Which points? 10 minutes? N minutes?

The points that crawl for 2 min are (1,1) (2,0) (0,2) crawl for 3 min are (0,3) (1,2) (2,1) (3,0) crawl for 10 min are (0,10) (1,9) (2,8) (3,7) (4,6) (5,5) (6,4) (7,3) (8,2) (9,1) (10,0)
It can be seen from the above rules that the points that can be reached are the integer points on the y = - x + N curve, so the points that can be reached by crawling n min are (0, n) (1, n-1) (n-1,1)(n,0)