On a flank slope with an inclined angle of 60 degrees, climb along the road with an angle of 30 degrees to the horizontal line of the slope toe for 100 meters How many meters

On a flank slope with an inclined angle of 60 degrees, climb along the road with an angle of 30 degrees to the horizontal line of the slope toe for 100 meters How many meters

Increased by 25 √ 3M

There is a hillside with an inclination angle of 30 ° and a road on the hillside at an angle of 60 ° with the bottom line of the slope. If you walk up this road for 80m, it will rise relative to the ground___ m.

According to the title, the figure is: AOB is the horizontal plane, and plane ABC is the mountain slope. According to the title, the dihedral angle between the mountain slope and the horizontal plane is ∠ cab = 60 ° AC = 100 m, ∠ CBO is 30 ° and the vertical bottom of CO is the actual height of elevation. According to the title, BC = acsin ∠ cab = 80 × 32 = 403 M

The dihedral angle between the slope and the horizontal plane is 30 ° and there is a highway on the slope which forms a 60 ° angle with the slope angle ab. AB is the dihedral angle
The dihedral angle between the slope and the horizontal plane is 30 degrees. There is a highway on the slope that forms an angle of 60 degrees with the slope angle ab. AB is the line of dihedral angle. How many meters has it increased if you go up 100 meters along this highway?

25 pieces, 3M
OC set the intersection of highway OP and ab as O, then make a line OC perpendicular to ab through O, so that OC = 50 root sign 3M, then PC is perpendicular to OC,
Make a straight line perpendicular to the horizontal plane through C, and the horizontal plane is at Q, then QC is the rising height. Through the dihedral angle of 30 degrees, CQ = 25 root sign 3M can be calculated

Is the "1km" of the engineering road the 1km of the plane projection of the road or the 1km of the slope or curve?

Including curve, excluding slope