AB + CD + EF + GH = III. which number is eliminated in 0-9? (competition) why? A letter stands for a number

AB + CD + EF + GH = III. which number is eliminated in 0-9? (competition) why? A letter stands for a number

1 is eliminated. It's easy to see that III can be divided by 3, so the sum of each digit of AB CD EF GH's four numbers should also be divided by 3. Because the sum of ten numbers from 0 to 9 is 45, which can be divided by 3, so the sum of I and the eliminated number should also be divided by 3. (that is, if I is 1, then the eliminated number is one of 2,5,8. If I is 2, the eliminated number is 1,4, 7, and so on)
It can be seen from the title that III is not greater than 400 (because the sum of four 100 is 400, and 100 is greater than the largest two digits), so I is one of 1, 2 or 3. Of course, it can't be 0
If I is 1, AB, CD, EF, GH minimum is more than 20, more than 30, more than 40, more than 50, the sum is more than 111, so I is not 1
If I is 3, III is 333. Obviously, the maximum number of the first four numbers is more than 60, more than 70, more than 80, more than 90, and the sum is less than 333, so I is not 3
So I must be 2. III is 222
So one of 1,4,7 is eliminated
222 divided by 4 is more than 2. So the sum of four numbers in ten digits should be 20, the sum of four numbers in ten digits should be 22, the sum of eight digits should not be less than 42.0 to 9, and the sum of ten digits is 45 (of course, 0 does not affect the result, only 1 to 9 are involved in the calculation). If you remove 4 or 7, the sum of the remaining eight digits will be less than 42, so 1 is eliminated
The formula is 37 + 46 + 59 + 80 = 222

What does AB > CD = EF > GH mean?

Line AB is longer than line CD, line CD is as long as line EF, line EF is longer than line GH
--------------------------AB line segment
--------------------CD line segment
--------------------EF line segment
----------GH line segment
It's that simple

AB ratio CD = EF ratio GH, then AB ratio CD = EF ratio GH=

The solution is ab: CD = Er: GH
Know AB / CD = Er / GH
Multiply both sides by CD
That is ab = CD × Er / GH

As shown in the figure, EF ⊥ AB, EF ⊥ CD, straight line GH intersects AB and CD, try to explain ∠ 1 + 2 = 180 °

∫ EF ⊥ AB, EF ⊥ CD, ∫ ab ∥ CD, ∫ ab ∥ CD, ∫ 1 = ∨ 5, and ∫ 5 + ⊥ 2 = 180 ° and ∫ 1 + ⊥ 2 = 180 °