The vertex of the parabola is at the origin of the coordinate, and the focus coincides with a focus of hyperbola Y / 5-x / 4 = 1

The vertex of the parabola is at the origin of the coordinate, and the focus coincides with a focus of hyperbola Y / 5-x / 4 = 1

c=3 F1(0,3) F2(0,-3)
P / 2 = 3 or P / 2 = - 3
2p=12 2p=-12
x^2=12y x^2=-12y

The standard equation of a parabola with the coordinate origin as the vertex and the hyperbola y ^ 2 / 4-x ^ 25 = 1 as the focus is?

So the vertex is (0, ± 2)
Then p / 2 = 2
So it's x-178; - 8y or x-178; = 8y