There is a four digit number, and the sum of its digits can be divided by 17. If you add 1 to the four digit number, the sum of its digits can also be divided by 17. The minimum number of the four digit number is 1______ .

There is a four digit number, and the sum of its digits can be divided by 17. If you add 1 to the four digit number, the sum of its digits can also be divided by 17. The minimum number of the four digit number is 1______ .

According to the meaning of the question, the sum of four digits plus 1 has the following rules: (1) if there is no carry, then the sum of four digits = the sum of original digits + 1 = 18 or 35, which cannot be divisible by 17; (2) if there is a carry, then the sum of four digits = the sum of original digits + 1 - (10-1) = 9 or 26, which cannot be divisible by 17