The number on the top of a six digit number is 1. If you move the number to the right of a six digit number, the number you get is three times the original number Find the original six digits

The number on the top of a six digit number is 1. If you move the number to the right of a six digit number, the number you get is three times the original number Find the original six digits

Let the last five digits be X
So the original six digits were 100000 + X
The new six digits are 10x + 1
So 3 * (100000 + x) = 10x + 1
So the original number was 142857

The last digit of a six digit number is 2. If 2 is moved to the first place, the original number is three times the new number

Suppose the original six digit is abcde2, then the new six digit is 2abcde, and then ABCDE (five digit) is x, then the original six digit is 10x + 2, and the new six digit is 200000 + X. according to the meaning of the question: (200000 + x) × 3 = 10x + 2, the solution is: x = 85714, 10x + 2 = 857142; answer: the original number is 857142