In linear algebra, if AX = 0 has nonzero solution, then R (a)

In linear algebra, if AX = 0 has nonzero solution, then R (a)

R (a) = n means that a is a full rank matrix, and a can be transformed into an upper triangular matrix by elementary row transformation. Only one element in the last row of the upper triangular matrix is non-zero, which means that the last unknown quantity x (n) = 0 in X; the second row of the derivative of the upper triangular matrix has two non-zero elements, because x (n) = 0, so x (n-1) = 0, and so on, That is, all elements in X are zero, that is, there are only all zero solutions
If AX = 0 has nonzero solution, then R (a)

Nonzero lines of linear algebra
What does a nonzero line in linear algebra mean

Determinant or matrix in a row is not all zero, that is, there are non-zero elements, the row is called non-zero row