A hare was playing on the grass at a distance of 200m from the cave S1, and was chased by the hound at the maximum speed. When the rabbit found the hound, it was 60m away from the hound, and the rabbit immediately ran to the cave, At least what is the acceleration of the hare in order to return to the cave safely

A hare was playing on the grass at a distance of 200m from the cave S1, and was chased by the hound at the maximum speed. When the rabbit found the hound, it was 60m away from the hound, and the rabbit immediately ran to the cave, At least what is the acceleration of the hare in order to return to the cave safely

The dog runs to the hole for 26 seconds, and the rabbit just runs to the hole
The rabbit speeded up for T, and ran into the cave with the fastest speed of 8m / s in the remaining (26-t) seconds
Then the acceleration is 8 / T meters per second
According to (at ^ 2) / 2 + (26-t) * 8 = 200
The solution is t = 2 seconds
So acceleration = 4 meters per second