There are two resistors in parallel in the circuit, and the current flowing through the main circuit is 0.5A. If the resistance value of one resistor is increased by 10 ohm, If the resistance of the other resistor increases by 10 Ω, the current of the main circuit will decrease by 0.05A. Calculate the power supply voltage and the resistance of the two resistors!

There are two resistors in parallel in the circuit, and the current flowing through the main circuit is 0.5A. If the resistance value of one resistor is increased by 10 ohm, If the resistance of the other resistor increases by 10 Ω, the current of the main circuit will decrease by 0.05A. Calculate the power supply voltage and the resistance of the two resistors!

The two people on the upper floor think the equations are too simple. Ha ha, they all say that the equations are very complicated. They are asking you how to solve the equations rather than how to make them
First of all, there is a concept that two resistors are connected in parallel. Changing the resistance of one of them will not affect the other branch as long as the terminal voltage remains unchanged
The significance of the three equations, especially the first two, should be understood, that is, the change of the branch current
The first equation is divided into 10u / [R1 (R1 + 10)] = 0.1 to U / R1 = (R1 + 10) / 100
Similarly, U / r2 = (R2 + 10) / 200 can be obtained
Substituting into the third equation, there are 2 (R1 + 10) + (R2 + 10) = 100 and 2r1 + R2 = 70
Then divide the first equation and the second equation into 2 * R1 (R1 + 10) = R2 (R2 + 10)
If R2 = 70-2r1 is substituted, there is a quadratic equation of one variable about R1
2r1 * R1 + 20r1 = (70-2 * R1) * (80-2 * R1), that is, R1 ^ 2-160r1 + 2800 = 0
The solution is R1 = 20 ohm (140 ohm is omitted), R2 = 30 ohm, and u = 6V
If this topic is based on the conventional formula of first finding the total resistance, it will not be a general trouble. I have thought about this idea for a long time. I need to think more about it in the future
I've been working on this problem for nearly an hour, and my brain has degenerated,

Connect a 5 ohm resistor R1 with a 15 ohm resistor in series and connect it to a 6V power supply. The current of the series circuit is determined by two methods
One is I = u / R, the other is I = u / R

The voltage ratio of 5 ohm resistor to 15 ohm resistor is 1:3 (because the voltage ratio of two resistors in series is equal to the resistance ratio), so it can be calculated that the voltage at both ends of 5 ohm resistor is 1 / 4 times of 6V, that is 1.5V, and the current I = 1.5 / 5 = 0.3A Almost no flow (written by mobile phone), are so miserable, but also help you, you help me, give points?

Connect a resistor R to a power supply, and the current in the circuit is 0.8 a; if a 30 ohm resistor is connected in series in the circuit
If a resistor R is connected to a power supply, the current in the circuit is 0.8 a; if a 30 ohm resistor is connected in series in the circuit, the current in the circuit is 0.6 a. Find the value of power supply voltage and resistance R.

Step 1: the resistance R is connected to both ends of the power supply, and the circuit is 0.8A, then the power supply voltage U = 0.8 * r
2. The resistor is 30 ohm in series with R, and the current is 0.6A, i.e. I = u / (R + 30)
0.6 = 0.8 * r / (R + 30), r = 90 ohm
So the power supply voltage is u = 0.8 * 90 = 72V

A and B resistors are marked with "6 Ω 0.5A" and "10 Ω 1A" respectively. If they are connected in parallel in the circuit, the maximum supply voltage is______ 5. At this time, the current in the trunk road is______ A. If two resistors are connected in series to the power supply, the maximum supply voltage is______ V.

(1) According to Ohm's law, the maximum voltage allowed to be applied at both ends of two resistors is: U1 = i1r1 = 0.5A × 6 Ω = 3V, U2 = i2r2 = 1a × 10 Ω = 10V, ∵ the voltage at both ends of each branch in parallel circuit is equal, ∵ in order to prevent both resistors from burning out, the maximum voltage allowed to be applied at both ends of the circuit is 3V; at this time, the current through a resistor is 0.5A unchanged, and the current through B resistor is I2 ′ = u1r2 = 3v10 Ω = 0.3A, ∵ in parallel circuit, the current of main circuit is equal to the sum of branch currents, the maximum current of main circuit is I = I1 + I2 ′ = 0.5A + 0.3A = 0.8A; (2) when two resistors are in series, the current of each part of the circuit is equal, the maximum current of the circuit is 0.5A, the total resistance of the series circuit is equal to the sum of the partial resistances, and the maximum supply voltage is u = I1 (R1 + R2) = 0.5A × (6 Ω) +So the answer is: 3; 0.8; 8