To enable the rheostat to control the brightness of the bulb, should the rheostat be connected in series or in parallel with the bulb It controls the brightness of the light bulb

To enable the rheostat to control the brightness of the bulb, should the rheostat be connected in series or in parallel with the bulb It controls the brightness of the light bulb

series connection
When the resistance is high, the voltage is high, the voltage on both sides of the lamp is low, and the bulb is dark~
When the resistance point, the voltage is small, the voltage on both sides of the lamp becomes large, and the bulb becomes bright~

How to control the brightness of light bulb with rheostat?
As the title

Connected in series with light bulb
When the sliding rheostat resistance increases
The total resistance in the circuit increases
The current becomes smaller
Because of series connection, the current is equal everywhere
The bulb resistance is considered constant
Bulb power = I ^ 2R
The current decreases
Electrical power reduction
vice versa

In series and parallel circuits, what is the relationship between the light and dark of the bulb and the resistance?

If it is in series, the more lamps in series, that is, the greater the resistance. According to I = u / R, when the total voltage is fixed (generally a stable value), the smaller the current will be. According to P = I ^ 2R, the darker the bulb will be

In parallel circuit, if the resistance of one changes (increases), does the voltage of the other decrease (the bulb darkens)?
When I do experiments, I find that when a light bulb is paralleled with a sliding rheostat, the resistance of the sliding rheostat increases, and the light bulb darkens; otherwise, it is the opposite. Why?
If it is in parallel, the resistance of the sliding rheostat will increase, and the bulb will light up, what's the matter?

Theoretically, in the case of sufficient power supply, when the resistance (or understanding success rate) of one user increases, the use of the other user will not be affected
But in practice, the power supply of the power supply is limited, especially when you are doing experiments, the power supply is either a battery or a storage battery, and the power is quite limited. Therefore, one appliance uses more electricity, and the other uses less electricity. Therefore, the situation you mentioned appears