On Newton calculus

On Newton calculus

Among all Newton's scientific contributions, mathematical achievement occupies a prominent position. His first creative achievement in his mathematical career was the discovery of binomial theorem. According to Newton's own recollection, he discovered this theorem in the winter of 1664 and 1665 when he was studying Dr. Wallis's infinite arithmetic and trying to modify his series of circle area
The analytic geometry of Descartes corresponds the function relation describing motion with the geometric curve. Under the guidance of teacher barrow, Newton found a new way out on the basis of studying the analytic geometry of Descartes. The speed at any time can be regarded as the average value of the speed in a tiny time range, which is the ratio of a tiny distance and time interval, When this tiny time interval is reduced to infinitesimal, it is the exact value of this point. This is the concept of differential
The creation of calculus is Newton's most outstanding achievement in mathematics. In order to solve the problem of motion, Newton created this kind of mathematical theory which is directly related to physical concepts. Newton called it "stream number technique". It deals with some specific problems, such as tangent problem, quadrature problem, instantaneous velocity problem and function maximum and minimum problem, Newton had been studied by people before Newton. But Newton surpassed his predecessors. He stood at a higher angle and synthesized the previous scattered conclusions. He unified all kinds of techniques for solving infinitesimal problems since ancient Greece into two kinds of common algorithms -- differential and integral, and established the reciprocal relationship between these two kinds of operations, thus completing the most critical step in the invention of calculus, It provided the most effective tool for the development of modern science and opened up a new era in mathematics
Newton did not publish the research results of calculus in time. He may have studied calculus earlier than Leibniz, but Leibniz's expression is more reasonable, and his works on calculus were published earlier than Newton
When Newton and Leibniz argued about who was the founder of this subject, they caused a big wave. This kind of dispute lasted for quite a long time among their students, supporters and mathematicians, resulting in a long-term confrontation between mathematicians in the European continent and British mathematicians, It was too rigidly stuck in Newton's "flow number", so the development of mathematics lagged behind a hundred years
In 1707, Newton's lecture notes on algebra were published and named "general arithmetic". He mainly discussed the basis of algebra and its application (by solving equations) in solving various problems. The book stated the basic concepts and basic operations of algebra, and illustrated them with a large number of examples

What are the major discoveries of Watt, Newton, Edison and other scientists? How did they make these major discoveries?

Watt is not a scientist, he is a skilled worker. Only the steam engine. And now it seems that the steam engine is the outmoded product of the technological revolution
Newton is a great man. He has the following achievements: Calculus (flow number method) in mathematics. Optics, heat, fluid mechanics, acoustics in physics. They all have detailed deduction in the mathematical principles of natural philosophy. He has been engaged in research all his life. When he wrote this book, he wrote it through the summary and excerpt of the draft paper, At that time, Einstein also found a formula from the draft paper, thus perfecting the general theory of relativity
Edison is an inventor and a shameless plagiarist. Although he has some achievements, his character is very low. He has conflicts with Tesla. To talk about him is better than to talk about Tesla as a legend

Which dynasty were Confucius, Sima Qian, Zhang Heng, Li Bai, Lu You, Li Shizhen, Yue Fei and Zhuge Liang? What kind of people were they?
Which dynasty was it? What kind of people was it? In simple language

Confucius: a great thinker and educator in the spring and Autumn period
Sima Qian: a personage in the period of Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty. His position is Tai Shi Ling, and he wrote historical records
Li Bai: a famous poet in Tang Dynasty. He is known as a poetic immortal
Lu You: a poet of the Southern Song Dynasty
Li Shizhen: Ming Dynasty doctor, the author of compendium of Materia Medica
Yue Fei: a patriotic general of the Southern Song Dynasty. He was stabbed with the word "loyal to serve the country" on his back to show his ambition. He was framed by Qin Hui on a false charge and wrote the famous poem "Manjianghong"
Zhuge Liang: a person of the Three Kingdoms, proficient in eight trigrams and arithmetic. He was Liu Bei's military adviser. He devoted his whole life to his death, but he failed to help ah Dou. The famous work "chushibiao" is very touching
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