The story of Copernicus

The story of Copernicus

Nicolas Copernicus was born on February 19, 1473 in a wealthy family in the city of Toru ń on the Vistula River in the kingdom of Poland. When he was 18 years old, he studied at Krak ó w University, the old capital of Poland, and became interested in astronomy while studying medicine

The story of Copernicus

From 1506 to 1515, Copernicus had written the outline of "the theory of the sun's center" -- on the hypothesis of the movement of celestial bodies. However, the book "movement" was not published until his deathbed in 1543. When he mentioned this situation in the "preface" of "movement", he said: "in the long years, I hesitated."
Why Copernicus hesitated about the publication of this book? The reason was that he was afraid of the persecution of this new scientific theory by the church
As early as when Copernicus lived in Italy, Pope Alexander VI renewed the "oracle" and banned the printing of books without ecclesiastical examination, and all suspicious books were burned
When Copernicus returned from Italy in 1506, he saw with his own eyes the bloody suppression of HUS elements by religious magistrates, and many conspirators were arrested and burned alive. In Copernicus's life, there were at least 300 religious adjudication activities in Poland. Copernicus was also often threatened and persecuted. In valmia Parish, where he was a friar of freundborg Cathedral, Copernicus had been arrested and burned alive, After the death of his uncle Archbishop wukashi, several succeeding archbishops repeatedly "banned the cult" and kept a close watch on the monks. They thought Copernicus was a "traitor". Until his death, he was accompanied by spies and spies arranged by his superiors
The chief persecutor of Copernicus was duihozush, a puznan Inquisitor. He was a Book Burning maniac and later promoted to the Archbishop of Poland. He regarded Copernicus's relatives and friends as eyesores and persecuted them wantonly, including the friar Alexander sgurt and the housekeeper Anna
Although he was a monk, he believed in atheism. He did not do holy work himself, but others did holy work. He also laughed at him. He admired Copernicus very much, and they soon became bosom friends. This aroused the suspicion of hoziush and the new bishop Jan dantishek. Dantishek was a very insidious guy. He saw that if the operation was published, the theological palace he maintained would collapse, Danticek began to press on Copernicus step by step. He first wanted Copernicus to cut off contact with sgurt, which was severely rejected by Copernicus. Sgurt was later arrested by the Holy See
Soon after, dantishek forced Copernicus and Anna to break away from their relationship according to the information from the Archbishop of freundberg. Copernicus and Anna had lived together for nearly ten years and had deep feelings. Copernicus protested dantishek's unreasonable request, but dantishek said that Anna had made Copernicus "lose his soul" and "save his soul", He ordered Anna to move out of freundborg immediately. Copernicus pulled off his robe several times in grief and indignation, and threatened to return to the secular life. In order to make Copernicus's writing work continue, Anna left the arrow tower in pain. Soon, she was deported again
During this period, the Holy See was also very alarmed by Copernicus's theory. In 1533, Pope Clement VII had people explain the basic principle of "Sun center theory". The revolutionary content of Copernicus's theory shocked the Pope greatly, and he decided to find a way to control Copernicus's manuscript. In 1536, a cardinal wrote to Copernicus for the manuscript, but Copernicus refused
Galileo (1564-1642), an Italian astronomer, once said: "I feel frightened when I think of the fate of our teacher Copernicus." however, the persecution of the church can not prevent the publication of the operation, and Copernicus' struggle has won the support of many people
In the spring of 1539, a young scholar came all the way to Freund with many precious books. He was a mathematics professor of Wittenberg University in Germany. Later, he became the only student of Copernicus. With the encouragement and support of letik, Copernicus soon got excited. They revised the original edition of operation together and actively prepared for publication, When danteshek heard that Copernicus had taken in a heretic, he ordered the monks to search their houses to see if there were any books full of Lutheran toxins
He was a friar in freundborg, who had known Copernicus for a long time and supported his scientific research. Later, tiedman was promoted to bishop of the Diocese of liuwaba. Seeing the plight of Copernicus, he invited Copernicus and letik to visit the Diocese of liuwaba, Dantishek immediately intimidated tiedman, and the religious magistrate hozwusch also said that he found some "Dutch cult" in tiedman's works and tried to incriminate him
The Protestants (Lutherans) were more hostile to Copernicus' theory than the old ones. Martin Luther once said sarcastically, "this fool wants to overthrow the whole astronomy!" Philip melanhedon, the writer of the declaration of religion, also accused Copernicus of "thinking beyond the present facts."
There is also a farce in the city of elbrong. It satirizes a pretending astronomer who locks his work in a cupboard, talks nonsense, and is finally taken to hell by the devil in a cart. This play, of course, alludes to Copernicus, The publication of Copernicus's paper, which stated that the continuous appearance of comets at that time was completely a phenomenon of nature and had nothing to do with people's life, offended the church, and the Church took this despicable trick to publicly insult Copernicus
In 1541, Copernicus finally made up his mind to print his works
Copernicus handed over the manuscript of operation, the crystallization of his decades of painstaking efforts, to his friend tiedman, bishop of liuwaba. Tiedman then handed it over to letic. Because letic was invited to teach at the University of Leipzig, he handed over the publishing work of this book to his friend, oseander, a publisher in Nuremberg. Oseander once studied astronomy, Under the instruction of the leader Melan Hedon, he altered the original manuscript and deleted some contents of Copernican theory, trying to make science adapt to the old understanding of the society at that time
On May 24, 1543, when the great work was printed and sent to freundborg, Copernicus, who had been ill for a long time, was in danger. Solpha, the royal doctor, put the book on the quilt and put Copernicus's hand on the book. Copernicus seized the book with his weak hand spasmodically. Copernicus was dying, and he died an hour later
"Operation" with bruises, spread in the world for more than 300 years
It was not until the middle of the 19th century that the manuscript of operation was found in a private library in Prague. In 1873, the operation of the celestial body, which supplemented Copernicus's preface, was published, but the chapters on the theory of atoms were not added. In 1953, when the fourth edition of the operation of the celestial body was published, all the original chapters were added. Copernicus had died 410 years

The story of Copernicus,

Nicolas Copernicus was born in Poland in 1473. At the age of 40, Copernicus put forward the heliocentric theory and completed his great work the theory of celestial body movement after years of observation and calculation. In 1533, Copernicus, 60, gave a series of lectures in Rome, but he finally decided to publish it until he was close to the age of the ancient and rare

Short story of Copernicus

One day, Copernicus visited Vodka's house, but the teacher was not there. He took out a book from the shelf and opened it. The teacher wrote a note in the corner: "on Christmas night, Mars and Saturn are in a special angle, indicating