Is it right to say that Newton's mechanics is relative truth and Einstein's theory of relativity is absolute truth

Is it right to say that Newton's mechanics is relative truth and Einstein's theory of relativity is absolute truth

Of course not. There is no absolute truth in science at any time. Although scientists love to name some great theories, you should understand that there is only falsification in science, but there is no proof. There is always room for pursuit in this world. However, relativity is indeed a miracle in human history, but it is only a step. What we need to do is to surpass it, But surpassing him is not to overthrow him. We should stand on the theory of relativity and see further

What is the relationship between Newtonian mechanics and Einstein's special theory of relativity

Newtonian mechanics is only applicable to low-speed objects, but can't explain the phenomenon of high-speed objects. Relativity is the study of high-speed operation

The relationship between Newton's mechanics, Newton's gravitation and Einstein's special and general relativity

Einstein's theory studies macro high-speed motion, and Newton's gravity theory studies macro low-speed motion. If V in the mass velocity formula of relativity moves at a low speed instead of approaching the speed of light, this formula will become Newton's mechanical formula. So Newton's theory is a special case of relativity at macro low speed

Is there a contradiction between Newton's theory of gravity and Einstein's theory of relativity?
Newton's theory of gravitation is beyond the distance. The gravitation between two objects transfers instantaneously, that is, at infinite speed, which conflicts with the view of field based on the theory of relativity and the limit speed of light
May I ask you whether it is because Newton's theory is correct, but the light transmission is affected by the medium in the universe and slows down the transmission speed? And is the coal medium around the universe the same?

It seems that the view of the building owner still thinks that the propagation of Newton's force is also at the speed of light, and the building owner also thinks that in the real vacuum, the speed of light propagation is infinite, but there is a medium everywhere in the universe, which blocks the propagation speed of the force, so he thinks that Newton is right