On the conversion of chemical energy into electric energy (1) the fuel cell is composed of hydrogen and oxygen, potassium hydroxide solution, then the gas flowing into the negative electrode should be --, the gas flowing into the positive electrode is --, and the electrode reaction formula is: positive electrode: --, Negative electrode: (2) if KOH is changed to dilute sulfuric acid electrolyte solution, the electrode is a reactive positive electrode______________________ (3) if the electrolytes of (1) and (2) are different, what is the change of pH after the reaction, Then the electrode reaction type is positive electrode and negative electrode, For example, FeCl3 can be used as catalyst, corrosion agent for printed circuit copper plate and wound hemostatic agent, etc. (1) write the ion equation of FeCl3 solution corrosion of printed circuit copper plate - (2) if the reaction in (1) is designed as primary battery, please draw the device diagram of primary battery, mark the positive and negative poles, and write the electrode reaction positive pole: - - - -, Negative electrode:————————————————

On the conversion of chemical energy into electric energy (1) the fuel cell is composed of hydrogen and oxygen, potassium hydroxide solution, then the gas flowing into the negative electrode should be --, the gas flowing into the positive electrode is --, and the electrode reaction formula is: positive electrode: --, Negative electrode: (2) if KOH is changed to dilute sulfuric acid electrolyte solution, the electrode is a reactive positive electrode______________________ (3) if the electrolytes of (1) and (2) are different, what is the change of pH after the reaction, Then the electrode reaction type is positive electrode and negative electrode, For example, FeCl3 can be used as catalyst, corrosion agent for printed circuit copper plate and wound hemostatic agent, etc. (1) write the ion equation of FeCl3 solution corrosion of printed circuit copper plate - (2) if the reaction in (1) is designed as primary battery, please draw the device diagram of primary battery, mark the positive and negative poles, and write the electrode reaction positive pole: - - - -, Negative electrode:————————————————

The first is the galvanic cell. According to the "positive oxygen" (invented by myself), the oxidation reaction takes place on the anode, that is, the reducing agent, that is to say, the price rises, that is, the loss of electrons. In other words, the anode is the source of electrons, that is, the negative electrode. So (1) the negative electrode is hydrogen, and the positive electrode is oxygen. The positive reaction is O2 + 4E - + 2H2O = = 4OH -, The negative reaction is h2-2e - + 2OH - = = 2h20 (2) because it is acidic, it should not be oh - but H +. So the positive reaction is O2 + 4E - + 4H + = = 2H2O, and the negative reaction is h2-2e - = = 2H + (3) because the total reaction is 2h2 + O2 = = 2H2O, the pH does not change. (4) methane is still a reducing agent (it can be imagined that the carbon value of methane is - 4), So the positive electrode reaction is still O2 + 4E - + 2H2O = = 4OH -, while the negative electrode reaction is CH4 + 8e - + 8OH - = = CO2 + 6H2O. (1) in fact, it is the oxidation-reduction reaction of trivalent iron ion and copper, that is, 2fe3 + + Cu = = 2fe2 + + Cu2 + (2) the primary battery is still based on "positive oxygen" anode = oxidation reaction = reducing agent = loss of electrons = negative electrode, so copper should be used as the anode, so copper is used as the negative electrode, Negative electrode: cu-2e - = = Cu2 + positive electrode: Fe3 + + e - = = Fe2 + the answer is yes, but you have to learn how I do it. "Positive oxygen" is very easy to use. It is applicable to galvanic cell. I will not draw the picture

Is all the chemical energy consumed by the battery converted into electrical energy?

No, part of the chemical energy consumed by the battery will be converted into heat energy or other energy. In short, almost all of the chemical energy will not be converted into one kind in the society. It will be accompanied by the phenomenon of conversion into other energy, which can be regarded as consumption in our eyes