People's education press seven mathematical mind map, not too complex, one is enough, simple, clear expression on the line

People's education press seven mathematical mind map, not too complex, one is enough, simple, clear expression on the line

Mind map, also known as mind map, is an effective graphic thinking tool to express radiative thinking. It is a revolutionary thinking tool. It is simple but extremely effective! Mind map uses the skill of paying equal attention to both graphics and text to show the relationship between different levels of topics with hierarchical charts of mutual subordination and correlation, and to establish memory links between theme keywords and images, colors, etc, Mind map makes full use of the functions of left and right brain, and uses the laws of memory, reading and thinking to help people develop in a balanced way between science and art, logic and imagination, so as to open up the infinite potential of human brain. Therefore, mind map has the powerful function of human thinking
Mind mapping is a way to embody radioactive thinking. We know that radioactive thinking is a natural way of thinking in the human brain. Every kind of information that enters the brain, whether it's feeling, memory or thinking - including words, numbers, codes, food, aroma, lines, colors, images, rhythm, notes, etc., can become a thinking center, From this center, thousands of joint points radiate out, each joint point represents a link with the central theme, and each link can become another central theme, and then radiate out thousands of joint points, and the links of these joints can be regarded as your memory, that is, your personal database
Human beings have accumulated these huge and complex databases since they were born. The brain's amazing storage capacity has enabled us to accumulate a large amount of data. Through the radioactive thinking method of mind mapping, in addition to accelerating the accumulation of data, it is more to manage the data according to their relationships, At the same time, mind map is the function that can make the best use of the left and right brain. The use of color, image and code can not only help us remember and enhance our creativity, but also make mind map more relaxed and interesting, with personal characteristics and versatility
Mind map, which is based on the radioactive thinking mode, not only provides a correct and fast learning method and tool, but also produces surprising results in creative association and convergence, project planning, problem solving and analysis, conference management, etc. it is a way to show the extreme potential of personal intelligence, which can improve thinking skills, Compared with traditional note taking method and learning method, it has quantum leaping difference, mainly because it originates from the learning interaction mode of brain neurophysiology, and develops the radiation thinking ability and multi sensory learning characteristics that everyone is born with
Mind map provides an effective tool of thinking graphics for human beings. It uses both graphic and graphic skills to open up the unlimited potential of human brain, In recent years, the complete logical structure of mind map and the method of whole brain thinking are more widely used in the world and China. In learning and work, it greatly reduces the time and material resources, and greatly improves the performance of everyone or company, which inevitably has a huge effect that can not be ignored
Tony Buzan, the founder of mind mapping, is also internationally famous as Mr. brain. He has become the president of the British brain foundation. He is also the consultant of International Olympic coaches and athletes, as well as the consultant of the British Olympic rowing team and chess team. He is also selected as a member of the International Committee of psychologists and the creator of the concept of "mental culture", Tony Bazin is also the founder of the world memory champions Association and the founder of the mental Olympics organization. He is committed to helping people with learning disabilities and holds the title of the world's highest creative IQ. As of 1993, Tony Bazin has published 20 books, including 19 Monographs on mind, creativity and learning, and a collection of poems

Horizontal drawing of mathematical mind map

Write math in the center, stretch out a few lines, and list all aspects of your math topic (step 1), and then stretch out,

How to draw mind map

1. First use paper and pen to conceive, unconstrained and unconstrained. At this time, record all the thoughts in your mind, draw or remember them at will, empty the thoughts in your mind, which are related to or irrelevant to the theme. Clearing the thoughts can make you relaxed. 2. Then use FreeMind to organize the previous thoughts into a mind map

Area mind map of mathematical figure

This is primary school mathematics, can can can

Summary of rotation angle

There are three elements in the rotation of graphics: the center of rotation, the direction of rotation (counterclockwise, clockwise), and the angle of rotation;
Rotation angle: the included angle of the corresponding line segment
One of the most important points is that every point rotates at the same angle, and the distance from the corresponding point to the center of rotation is equal!

How to draw a revolving figure~

Finally, draw a picture: first draw a point to rotate along a central point, then draw a line segment to rotate, and then a plane figure to rotate. The key to the plane figure rotation is to draw the corresponding edge of the line segment with the center as the rotation point, and determine the key line segment. Other line segments are easy to draw

The drawing method of simple figure rotated 90 degrees

Measuring square

How to find the center of rotation in rotating graphics?
How do two triangles find their center of rotation?

If any two corresponding vertices of two triangles are connected, the focus obtained is
The concrete proof is to prove the congruence of the two triangles formed by the edges of the two connected vertices and the connecting line segments, and the other edges are the same
In this way, it is proved that the distance from the corresponding point to the rotation center is equal and the rotation angle is the same
So this point is the center of rotation

What are the general steps of rotation drawing in textbooks

Firstly, the rotation center, rotation angle and rotation direction are determined;
Secondly, find some key points in the original image;
Then connect the key point and the rotation center, let the line segment rotate a certain angle along the direction of rotation, and get the end point of the line segment is the corresponding point of the key point;
Finally, connect the corresponding points in turn to get the rotated graph

The general steps of drawing problems are (), (), ()

List line drawing