What are the sterilization principles of ozone and ultraviolet?

What are the sterilization principles of ozone and ultraviolet?

The sterilization principle of ozone is to change the structure of bacteria and viruses by using the strong oxidation produced by the instability and easy decomposition of ozone
The sterilization principle of ultraviolet is: using 253.7nm short wave ultraviolet high energy, strong penetrating ability to inactivate cells, to achieve the purpose of sterilization

After denaturation, will the absorbance at 280 nm increase or decrease? Why?
The answer is no, but I don't know why

It's supposed to be change. It's tight! I read about change!

Among the components of protein, the most important component has the maximum absorption at 280 nm
A. Tyrosine phenol ring; B, cysteine sulfur atom; C, peptide bond; D, phenylalanine
The UV absorption value of protein is the largest at 280mm, but why ask the composition? Is the purpose of this question to ask the most basic part of protein?

Tryptophan has a maximum absorption at 280 nm
Tyrosine was detected at 275 nm
Phenylalanine was synthesized at 257 nm
The peptide bond is at 215 nm
The answer can only be a. where does the absorption value of S atom come from

The most important component of protein molecules causing 280 nm light absorption is

It's like tryptophan

Which of the following protein components has the greatest effect on light absorption at 280nm? A indole ring of tryptophan B phenol ring of tyrosine C benzene ring of phenylalanine D sulfur atom of cysteine

The conjugation and absorption of a-indole ring are the highest

The ability of protein to absorb UV light mainly depends on the concentration of UV light
a. Content of sulfur amino acids
b. Peptide bond in peptide bond
c. The content of basic amino acids
d. Content of aromatic amino acids

The answer is d
Aromatic amino acids have UV absorption peak at 260nm. Tryptophan, phenylalanine and tyrosine are aromatic amino acids

How to measure protein concentration with standard curve?
How to calculate protein concentration for a standard curve of a595nm? Thank you!

The standard curve generally has such a relationship: y = ax + B or y = ax-b, as long as you substitute the measured x into it. Or there is another quantitative method, a table / C table = a sample / C measurement, a is the absorbance, so long as you substitute the data into it! If it is not clear, please upload the data

What is the difference and significance between standard curve method and standard tube method?
Medical biochemistry!

Yu Shuo, I don't know, what to do? Give me the best

Coomassie brilliant blue method to measure protein content standard curve, but what about the origin
Bovine serum albumin (BSA) was used as standard protein. 50 mg of Coomassie brilliant blue G-250 was dissolved in 25 ml 95% ethanol and 50 ml 85% (w / V) phosphoric acid mixture, and the volume was determined to 500 ml with distilled water. After filtration with rapid filter paper, it was stored in a brown bottle for standby. 100 mg of BSA was dissolved in distilled water, and the volume was determined to 100 ml, According to the table, add BSA solution and distilled water into six tubes with plug to prepare 0-100 μ g / ml bovine serum albumin solution, 1ml each. After mixing, add 5ml Coomassie brilliant blue G-250 solution, cover and mix well, let it stand at room temperature for 2min, and detect the absorbance at 595nm with spectrophotometer

With the standard addition method, we must cross the origin
After acid and water are mixed, it is better to stand for a while, otherwise the measured value will be unstable

How to establish the standard curve when measuring protein concentration by BCA method with Eppendorf protein nucleic acid automatic analyzer?

1. Press the key "BCA" to select the method of protein color reaction;
2. Set the number of standard samples, determination times and concentration range of the standard curve. Press the key "parameter" and use the up and down keys to select and adjust the parameters
3. Put the blank control into the sample hole;
4. Press "blank";
5. Instrument record blank control, set to 0.000a;
6. Put the first standard or sample (if you need to use the stored standard curve, you can directly measure the sample) into the sample hole;
7. Press "sample" or "standard";
8. Determine the standard or sample in turn, and the measured value of each sample will be automatically stored in the machine to view the determination results