The sum of a two digit one digit number and a ten digit number is greater than 10. If 36 is added to the two digits, it is exactly equal to the two digits after the exchange of two digits, Find the original two-digit number, with one-dimensional inequality

The sum of a two digit one digit number and a ten digit number is greater than 10. If 36 is added to the two digits, it is exactly equal to the two digits after the exchange of two digits, Find the original two-digit number, with one-dimensional inequality

If the original tens of bits are a and the individual bits are B, then 10A + B + 36 = 10B + a
The solution is: B-A = 4, that is, B = a + 4,
If a + b > 10, a > 3
For two digits, B = a + 4 ≤ 9, that is, 3 < a ≤ 5, so a = 4 or 5, when a = 4, B = 8; when a = 5, B = 9
So the original two digits were 48 or 59

For a two digit number, the sum of the number on the one digit and the number on the ten digit number is 10. If the positions of the two digits are exchanged, the new two digit number will be 36 larger than the original one,
The original two digits are______

Let ten digits be X
The answer is 37

There are four numbers: How can we make them equal to 24 with + - ×?
