English translation Zhang Xiaoji, a scholar in Xuchang, married a rich woman in Tongli. The rich man had only one son, who was unworthy and was expelled. The rich man was ill and died, and he paid for his family wealth. Xiaoji and his post-treatment affairs were like courtesy. For a long time, his son was a beggar on his way. Xiaoji said with pity, "can you irrigate the garden?" he replied, "if you can irrigate the garden, you can eat. How lucky is it?" Xiaoji asked Xiaoji to irrigate the garden, Xiaoji is strange. Fu said, "can you manage the Treasury?" he replied, "you have got to irrigate the garden, and you have already gone out of sight to manage the Treasury?" what's the luck. "Xiaoji's envoy managed the Treasury. His son was quite obedient and had no other faults. Xiaoji Xu observed that he could make a new start and no longer have the old style, so he returned the property entrusted by his father

English translation Zhang Xiaoji, a scholar in Xuchang, married a rich woman in Tongli. The rich man had only one son, who was unworthy and was expelled. The rich man was ill and died, and he paid for his family wealth. Xiaoji and his post-treatment affairs were like courtesy. For a long time, his son was a beggar on his way. Xiaoji said with pity, "can you irrigate the garden?" he replied, "if you can irrigate the garden, you can eat. How lucky is it?" Xiaoji asked Xiaoji to irrigate the garden, Xiaoji is strange. Fu said, "can you manage the Treasury?" he replied, "you have got to irrigate the garden, and you have already gone out of sight to manage the Treasury?" what's the luck. "Xiaoji's envoy managed the Treasury. His son was quite obedient and had no other faults. Xiaoji Xu observed that he could make a new start and no longer have the old style, so he returned the property entrusted by his father

There was a scholar named Zhang Xiaoji in Xuchang who married a rich man's daughter. The rich man had only one unworthy son, so he scolded him and drove him away. The rich man was sick and dying, so he entrusted all his property to Xiaoji. Xiaoji handled the affairs for the rich man according to the rules. After a long time, the rich man's son begged on the road. When Xiaoji saw him, he sympathized and said

English translation
The envoys said, "Qin and Zhao are one. The reason why Yan was ordered by Zhao is Qin. Today's officials are in charge of Qin, and Zhao's is Qin and Zhao's Ying. If Qin and Zhao have Ying, the world will not accept it, but Yan won't accept it. And if the officials are in charge of Qin, it's no harm for Zhao to attack Yan."
When the messenger saw the king of Qin, he said, "the king of Yan stole the news of Qin merging with Zhao. The king of Yan sent an envoy to congratulate him on his thousand gold." the king of Qin said, "there is no way for Yan to be a husband, but Zhao Youzhi is my envoy. How can I congratulate my son?" the messenger said, "when I heard about Zhao, my South neighbor was Qin, and my North went to Quyang to be Yan. Zhao Guang was three hundred li away from Qin. It was more than 50 years ago, so I could not defeat Qin, The king of Qin thought that he would not suffer any more from Qin. He set up an army to save Yan

The state of Qin united with the state of Zhao, and the state of Zhao attacked the state of Yan northward. After hearing this, the king of Yan sent envoys to congratulate the king of Qin. The envoys passed by the state of Zhao, and the king of Zhao detained him. The envoys said, "the state of Qin and the state of Zhao united, and all the princes obeyed. The reason why the state of Yan obeyed the order of the state of Zhao was because of the alliance between the state of Qin and the state of Zhao, This shows that there is a contradiction between the state of Qin and the state of Zhao. If there is a contradiction between Qin and Zhao, the princes will not obey the state of Zhao, and the state of Yan will not obey the order of the state of Zhao. Besides, my sending an envoy to the state of Qin does not prevent the state of Zhao from attacking the state of Yan. "The king of Zhao thought that he was right and released the envoys of the state of Yan
The envoys of the state of Yan paid a visit to the king of Qin and said, "the king of Yan heard that Qin and Zhao were united, and the state of Yan sent me to congratulate him with gold." the king of Qin said, "the king of Yan is fatuous. I want the state of Zhao to destroy the state of Yan. What else can you congratulate?" the envoys of the state of Yan said, "I heard that when the state of Zhao was in its heyday, the neighboring country in the South was the state of Qin, and xiaquyang in the North was close to the state of Yan, However, he had a stalemate with the state of Qin for more than 50 years. The reason why the state of Zhao could not defeat the state of Qin was that the state of Zhao was small and there was no other country to help expand its territory. Now the king wanted the state of Zhao to go north to destroy the state of Yan. If the state of Yan and the state of Zhao united, they would not obey the state of Qin any more. I secretly worried about the king. "The king of Qin thought that he was right, so he sent troops to rescue the state of Yan

Seeking the translation of specific words in classical Chinese
Gu Kaizhi, long as Kang, was born in Wuxi, Jinling. He was erudite and talented. When people asked him about Kuaiji mountains and rivers, he said, "thousands of rocks compete with each other, and thousands of valleys compete with each other. Plants and trees are covered in cages, and clouds flourish." he always eats sugarcane from the top to the root
You are especially good at Danqing. Xie an thinks that there is something that has never been seen in human life. Each picture is perfect in time. Taste Pei's regular script and add three hairs on his cheek. The viewer will feel that the gods are superior
You believe in small skills. You think you will get what you want. You try a willow leaf and say, "this cicada covers the leaf, so you can't see yourself."
Therefore, it is said that there are three unique skills: talent, painting and infatuation
[note] ① Danqing refers to painting. ② Xiaoshu refers to small skill and magic. ③ window: deception
(selected from Jinshu Wenyuan, with deletion)
The following words should be explained in detail~
be rich and varied as rosy clouds are rising slowly
remarkable and outstanding
Thank you~

I'm not sure. I looked it up in an ancient Chinese dictionary
The appearance of
Menglong, Yucong
Valley means river water
The clouds are rising, the clouds are rising, and the rays are diffuse
Special, special
Cover up
Take, take
Jane, precious

English translation
When Deng AI was 12 years old, he went to Yingchuan with his mother. He read the inscription of Chen Shi, the head of Guqiu, and said, "the text is the model of the world, and the character is the scholar". AI Sui was named fan by himself, and the character is the scholar. Later, there were some people in the same clan, so he changed it. The father of the same county had pity on his poor family, so he didn't thank him very much
When he moved to Runan, he sought for his father, who had been a good official for a long time

Deng AI, whose name is shizai, lost his father when he was a child. When he was 12 years old, he went to Yingchuan with his mother. He read two sentences in the inscription of Chen Shi, the late leader of Taiqiu, which read: "the text is Shifan, and the character is Shize". He was admiring, so he named himself Deng fan, and the character is Shize. Later, there were people in the clan who had the same name as him, so he changed his name, Deng AI Gai was appointed to be the prefect of Runan. When he arrived, he asked the elder who had been kind to him in the same county. Unfortunately, the elder was dead, so he sent officials to offer sacrifices to his family. He presented a grand gift to his mother and recommended his son as a planner

English translation
So we should have a heart of gratitude, filial piety to parents, respect teachers! With a heart of gratitude, the world will no longer be poor, life will no longer be surging, life will no longer be bleak, life will no longer be tasteless

Therefore, we should have the heart of Thanksgiving, filial piety and respect for teachers! If we have the heart of Thanksgiving, the world will no longer be the evil of mountains and rivers, people will no longer be surging against the current, life will no longer be ignorant, life experience will no longer be dull and tasteless

English translation
(1) The emperor was angry, he cut off responsibility, and his salary was poor

1. The emperor was very angry and severely censured. He stopped paying salaries according to the severity
After he was exiled to Yunnan, he had a lot of free time, so he read widely

English translation
There is a stream in the west of Daozhou city. It flows to the south for dozens of steps. When the water reaches both sides of the city, there are strange stones, which are inlaid and bent. It is indescribable. The clear stream touches the rocks, and it moves back to the cliffs. The beautiful trees and bamboos are in the shade. If the stream is in the mountains, it is suitable for the retired people to visit. In the world, it can be a beautiful place for the capital city and a forest Pavilion for the quiet people. Since the state was established, there has been no one to appreciate it, I feel sorry for it. Please translate it. It's urgent

A hundred or so steps to the west of Daozhou City, there is a small stream. This stream is tens of steps to the South and meets another stream called Yingxi. At the junction, the water is fast and often rushes to the bank. The stream is full of strange stones, which can't be described in words. The stream washes the stones like a cliff, and the trees and strange bamboos on the bank grow very luxuriant, If the stream is in the mountains, it should be a place for the retired people to play; if the stream is in the crowded city, it should be a scenic spot and a resting Pavilion for the quiet people. However, since the establishment of Daozhou City, it has never been appreciated and loved. The author himself walks by the stream and feels sorry for the stream
I feel that this article really borrows material to express my feelings. The author sighs that he has not met with talent

English translation

Taohuayuan records [Eastern Jin Dynasty] Tao Yuanming in Taiyuan, Wuling people fishing for business, the edge of the river line, forget the distance of the road. Suddenly met the peach blossom forest, Jiaan hundreds of steps, in the no miscellaneous trees, fresh grass, colorful fallen, fishermen very different; back forward, want to poor its forest. Forest water, you get a mountain, mountain mouth, as if there is light. Then abandon the boat, from the mouth

English translation
Unfortunately, in a remote area, without chariots and horses, you should be erudite and inquisitive. The ancients and the judges should try to find out what is right and what is wrong. If you don't go out of the house or study, you will be a man on the wall. Although you have a son, you can't help the whole world, There must be a man who believes as much as Qiu. He is not as good at learning as Qiu?
Unfortunately, in the backwater, the middle domain means:
Zhongji means "no help in the world"
What is the main idea and content of the article?

Domain: the meaning of place
Ji: the meaning of help and function

English translation
1. (2) Zhong yonghuan in the Japanese version of Pai was exposed to the people of the city. (3) all the people in minran
4. At the beginning of the text, Fang Zhongyong's life experience is written. What does it mean to highlight?
5. This sentence depicts the image of Zhong Yong's father. What does it reveal?

1. (2) Zhong yonghuan in the Japanese version of "ban" revealed to the people of the city: (through "Climbing", leading and leading) 3) all the people in minran: (disappearing)
4. At the beginning of the text, Fang Zhongyong's life experience is written. What does it mean to highlight
5. This sentence depicts the image of Zhong Yong's father, and what does it reveal? This sentence depicts Fang Zhongyong's father's ignorance and ignorance, and reveals the key to Fang Zhongyong's fate