Is icing on the cake or sending charcoal in the snow a synonym or an antonym? Please give reasons. If good,

Is icing on the cake or sending charcoal in the snow a synonym or an antonym? Please give reasons. If good,

Icing on the cake: it means to give material or spiritual help to others when they are in trouble. I think it is an antonym. Icing on the cake means that other people's condition is already very good. Your help or giving something can only make them more perfect. It doesn't play a great role

Final mathematics test questions of grade 5 in the second semester of 2007-2008 in Fengning Experimental Primary School

Although I am not very clear about your school, but I just finished the exam, maybe I can give you some suggestions!
1. You can review the textbook from the first unit and have a look at some basic knowledge and topics you have learned. If you don't understand, you can ask me. 2. You can buy some simulation papers or exercise books to do it, so that you can better accumulate and apply them. 3. Actively discuss some difficult topics with students or ask the teacher for advice
Review well. In addition, I have some test questions. You can see if you need them
1、 Fill in the blanks. (20 points)
(1) 5 × 0.5 means () and 0.8 × 4 means ()
(2) 4.2 × 2.5 is the number of () for 4.2
(3) it is known that the product of two factors is 4.2, one of which is 7 and the other is ()
(4) the expansion of 0.8 is 100 times that of (), and the reduction of () is 10 times that of 0.87
(5) 2.7 accurate to the hundredth is (), keep three decimal places is ()
(6) 0.6 ha = () m2, 0.25 H = () min
⑺、0.247247…… The cycle section of () is () and the two decimal places are () which can be written as () in a simple way
(8) the product of 1.8 × 3.02 has () decimal places
When the quotient of 1.7 △ 0.5 is 3, the remainder is ()
(10) if two factors are multiplied, one factor is expanded by two times, and the other factor is expanded by four times, then the product is expanded by () times
(11), 3.51, 3.505 and 3.505, the largest is (), and the smallest is ()
(12) if 4 △ a < 4, then a must be () then
⒀. After the decimal point of a decimal is moved one place to the right, the sum of the decimal and the original decimal is 12.1, and the original decimal is ()
2、 Judgment. (8 points)
(1) add or remove 0 after the decimal point, and the size of the decimal remains unchanged
(2) decimal division has the same meaning as integer division
(3) 3.142 are pure cyclic decimals
(4) the product of a non-zero natural number multiplied by a decimal must be less than this number
When calculating decimal addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, the decimal points must be aligned
(6) the operation law of integer multiplication is also applicable to decimal multiplication
(7) the approximate number 7.33 and the approximate number 7.330 are equal in any case
(8) circular decimals must be infinite decimals, and infinite decimals must also be circular decimals
3、 Choice. (8 points)
(1) the divisor does not change, the decimal point of the divisor moves two places to the right, quotient ()
A. Expand 100 times B, reduce 100 times C, unchanged
(2) the quotient of 28 / 11 is ()
A. Pure cyclic decimal B, mixed cyclic decimal C, finite decimal
(3) move the decimal point of a decimal two places to the left, and the number will be ()
A. Expand 2 times B, reduce 100 times C, expand 100 times
(4) the following formula is accurate to 0.01
A、0.6938≈0.694 B、8.045≈8.0 C、9.6954≈9.70
(5) the largest of the following formulas is ()
A、6.98×1 B、6.98×0.98 C、6.98×1.98
(6) if a number is expanded 42 times, it is 78.2
A、78.2×42 B、78.2÷42 C、42÷78.2
(7) the car travels 1.5 kilometers in 0.05 hours, and the average number of kilometers per hour is ()
A、1.5÷0.05 B、0.05÷1.5 C、1.5÷1
(8) the number of boys in class a accounts for half of the total number in class A, and the number of boys in class B accounts for half of the total number in class B. the number of boys in class A and class B is compared ()
A. Equal B, unequal C, indeterminate
4、 Calculation
(1) oral calculation. (5 points)
1.5×9+1.5= 0.15×24= 6.3÷0.7=
3.2×0.5×0= 1.6÷0.4÷0.5=
(2) vertical calculation. (4 points)
5.8 × 0.325 78.58 △ 3.7 (two decimal places reserved)
(3) calculation. (those who can be simplified should be simplified) (12 points)
(16.5×3+7.5×3)÷6 1.25×0.84×80-84
4.75+50÷8×0.4 9.56×8+9.56×2
(4) formula calculation. (8 points)
1. Eight times a number is 7.5. What's half of it?
2. What is the difference quotient of 8.2 and 1.2 removed by the sum of 2.5 and 1.5?
5、 Practical questions. (35 points)
(1) a car can travel 35 kilometers in 0.5 hours, how many kilometers per hour on average?
(2) a workshop needs to process 9000 parts. It is known that it has been processed for 5 days, with an average of 800 parts per day. The remaining parts are required to be completed in 4 days, with an average of how many parts per day?
(3) transport a batch of goods, 5.5 tons each time, 10 times can be completed, if you want to transport 8 times, how many tons each time?
(4) Xiaoming mid-term test, the average score of language number is 97, plus the average score of three natural subjects is 97.5, how many points did Xiaoming take in the natural test?
(5) there are 3500 chickens and ducks in a specialized household. The number of ducks is 2.5 times that of chickens. How many chickens and ducks are there?
(6) 7000 kg of rice from the canteen is 2.5 times less than 500 kg of flour. How many kg of flour?
(7) car a and car B respectively run from the back of AB which is 20 kilometers away. Car a runs 80 kilometers per hour, which is twice the speed of car B. how many kilometers is the distance between the two cars five hours after they leave?

Fifth grade mathematics unit 2 comprehensive quality self testing problem solving
Manager Zhang entrusted the transportation team to pack 1000 vases, and agreed to pay 0.4 yuan for each vase. If one is damaged, not only the freight will not be paid, but also 5.1 yuan will be paid for each one. Results the transportation team got 383.5 yuan. How many vases will be damaged?

Set X damaged
The number of intact ones was (1000-x)
Or should have earned 400 yuan, less 16.5 yuan, that is the compensation

The answer to question 9 on page 13 of mathematics synchronization and assessment in Volume 1 of grade 5
The stepped electricity price of a city divides the monthly electricity consumption of urban and rural residents into three levels, and the electricity price is increased step by step: the first level is 2880 kWh (240 kwh * 12 months) and below, 0.4883 yuan / kwh; the second level is 2881 kwh to 4800 kWh (400 kWh * 12 months), and the electricity price standard is 0.05 yuan / kWh higher than the first level, That is, 0.5383 yuan / kwh; the third level electricity is more than 4800 kwh, and the electricity price standard is 0.3 yuan / kWh higher than the first level electricity price, that is, 0.7883 yuan / kWh?

The stepped electricity price of a city divides the monthly electricity consumption of urban and rural residents into three levels, and the electricity price is increased step by step: the first level is 2880 kWh (240 kwh * 12 months) and below, 0.4883 yuan / kwh; the second level is 2881 kwh to 4800 kWh (400 kWh * 12 months), and the electricity price standard is 0.05 yuan / kWh higher than the first level, That is, 0.5383 yuan / kwh; the third level electricity is more than 4800 kwh, and the electricity price standard is 0.3 yuan / kWh higher than the first level electricity price, that is, 0.7883 yuan / kWh?

A trapezoidal wheat field has an upper bottom of 45 meters, a lower bottom of 80 meters and a height of 64 meters. If 0.7 kg of wheat is harvested per square meter, how many kg of wheat is harvested in this wheat field?

[standard answer]
The trapezoid area is (45 + 80) × 64 × 1 / 2 = 4000 m & sup2;
So 4000 × 0.7 = 2800kg
A: a total of 2800kg of wheat was harvested

The fifth grade mathematics final exercise paper of people's Education Press

Grade five mathematics final test in the first semester of 2004-2005 (to be completed in 80 minutes) class name: question no. 12345 total score: 1, fill in the blanks. (20 points) 1.4.8 hectares = () square meters 18000 square meters = () hectares 1.25 square meters = () square meters = ()

The first semester midterm examination paper of Mathematics for grade five of new education press
Time: 90 minutes Full Score: 100
1、 Fill in the blanks (1 point for each blank, 18 points in total)
1. 2.955 round to keep integer is (), keep one decimal place is ()
2、0.123÷0.15=( )÷15 19÷25=( )÷100
3. Fill in ">" = "or" < "in 0
7.2×0.9○7.2 1.04×3.57○3.57×0.14
5.24○5.24÷0.7 3.2÷0.01○3.2×0.01
4. School bought 5 football, each football X Yuan, pay 400 yuan, should get back () yuan
5. Stationery store into 50 stationery boxes, total price C yuan, unit price is () yuan
6. Master Wang makes a piece every day, five more than Master Zhang. Then 3A means (), 3 (a-5) means (). When a = 20, 3 (a-5) = ()
7. Is the shape seen from the () side of an object
Is the shape seen from the () side of an object
8. A two place decimal is rounded to 6.0. The maximum possibility of this two place decimal is (), and the minimum possibility is ()
2、 Judgment questions (1 point for each question, 6 points in total)
1. If a number is multiplied by a decimal, the product must be less than the number
2. 3.5 and 3.50 have the same meaning
3. 3x + 5x-8 is the equation
4. The quotient of 37 △ 4 is an infinite decimal
5、(135-1.08)÷9=13.5÷0.9-1.08÷0.9 ( )
6. The sum of 9 and X is 9 + 4x
3、 Multiple choice questions (1 point for each question, 6 points in total)
1. There are () decimals between 5.4 and 5.6
A. One B. two C. three D. innumerable
2. The same formula as 306 △ 1.7 is ()
A.30.6÷17 B.3.06÷17 C.3060÷17 D.306÷17
3. The same formula as 0.456 × 2.1 is ()
A.4.56×21 B.21×0.0456 C.45.6×0.21 D.456×0.021
4. The canteen uses a kilogram of rice every day. After 2 days, there is still b kilogram left. The original rice is () kilogram
A.a+2-b B.2a-b C.2a+b D.2(a+b)
5. Make a suit with 2.4 meters cloth, 30 meters cloth can make () sets at most
A.12.5 B.12 C.13 D.14
6. It costs 25.5 yuan to buy 10 kg rice and () yuan to buy 4.5 kg rice
A.11.475 B.11.48 C.11.4 D.11.47
4、 Calculation questions (42 points)
1. Direct score (6 points)
0.3×0.2= 2.4×10= 4.2÷0.7= 3.6÷12=
1.2×5= 9.1÷0.7= 15×0.6= 0.8-0.35=
0.78÷0.3= 0.25×4= 7.5÷0.15= 100×0.74=
2. Column vertical calculation (12 points)
0.58×0.24 21÷24
Checking calculation: checking calculation:
1.57÷3.9 3.42×0.25 70.7÷33
(keep two decimal places) (keep two decimal places)

The first semester midterm examination paper of Mathematics for grade five of new education press
Time: 90 minutes Full Score: 100
1、 Fill in the blanks (1 point for each blank, 18 points in total)
1. 2.955 round to (3) and one decimal place to (3.0)
2、0.123÷0.15=( 12.3 )÷15 19÷25=( 76 )÷100
3. Fill in ">" = "or" < "in 0
7.2×0.9<7.2 1.04×3.57>3.57×0.14
5.24<5.24÷0.7 3.2÷0.01>3.2×0.01
4. School bought 5 football, each football X Yuan, pay 400 yuan, should get back (400 - 5x) yuan
5. Stationery store into 50 stationery boxes, total price C yuan, unit price is (C △ 50) yuan
6. Master Wang makes a part every day, five more than Master Zhang. Then 3A means (the total number of parts that Master Wang makes in three days), 3 (a-5) means (the number that Master Wang makes more than Master Zhang when two people work for three days). When a = 20, 3 (a-5) = (45)
7. Is the shape seen from the () side of an object
Is the shape seen from the () side of an object
8. A two place decimal is rounded to 6.0. The maximum possibility of this two place decimal is (6.4) and the minimum possibility is (5.5)
2、 Judgment questions (1 point for each question, 6 points in total)
1. If a number is multiplied by a decimal, the product must be less than the number
2. 3.5 and 3.50 have the same meaning
3. 3x + 5x - 8 is the equation