What's the meaning of in classical Chinese I asked on purpose. If you answer right, you will get a prize!

What's the meaning of in classical Chinese I asked on purpose. If you answer right, you will get a prize!

1. To regard as or as
(1) when a tiger looks at it, he thinks it is a God
(2) a good doctor can't cure a disease!
I am proud of your name
(4) it is said that Yandang
Take Baiyue in the south, and think it is Guilin and Xiangjun
Writing a long book is regarded as Zhi
(7) I think it's killing when I'm a little king
2. I think that
I'm afraid that I'll bite myself
I think it's wonderful
Everyone thinks he will die
I think he is a brave man
I think it's impossible for me to do it
(6) however, the debater will move the people for no reason,
3. To make into
If you get it, you'll take it as bait
(2) to cast twelve figures of the Jin Dynasty

Or does it mean "or" in ancient Chinese

1. Some, some people
2. Maybe (equivalent to or)
3. Again
4. Modal particles are often used to strengthen the mood in negation
5. Confused with

What does it mean in ancient Chinese

1. Come near and eat
That is to say, eating is also necessary
Taking grain at the end of the banquet is rice
The tripod is solid, I hate it, but I can't. Gao Heng's note: "Shuowen:" that is, to eat. "This is the original meaning."
2. The basic meaning is to approach, approach and move towards, and to oppose "Li". To be extemporaneous
When bandits come to trade silk, they will come to me to plan. - "Shi · Wei Feng · Meng"
God is form, and form is spirit
In the middle of the night, the child spins and burns away with restraint
3. Go up; go up
The first year of Duke Huan in the spring and Autumn Period
A mountain walk is a bridge
And Zhuang Gong ascended the throne, for which he asked to make a system

Several simple practical problems
1. The price of a commodity is 135 yuan, which is 15 yuan lower than the original price. How much is the decrease? (the answer is equal to 10%)
3. Make a cuboid tank with iron sheet, which is 5 meters long, 0.8 meters wide and 0.6 meters high. (1) how many cubic meters of water can be injected into the tank at most? (2) how many square meters of iron sheet is needed to make the tank at least?
6. To plant trees in three classes of grade 6, the task assignment is: Class A needs to plant 40% of the total number of three classes, and the ratio of tree planting in class B and class C is 4:3. When class a plants 200 trees, it just completes 2 / 7 of the total tree planting in three classes. How many trees should class C plant? (the answer is 180 trees.)
I'd like to list the form and process, and I'd better mark the question number clearly

3.1). 5 * 0.8 * 0.6 = 2.4m3
2) 5 * 0.8 + 0.8 * 0.6 * 2 + 5 * 0.6 * 2 = 16.16 square meters

A few simple calculation problems


Several simple calculation problems
Wrong number + 4 / 9


Chicken and rabbit with cage, try to apply the problem, will do friends to help!
On the water conservancy construction site, there are two people carrying soil with one shoulder pole and one basket, and one person carrying soil with one basket. Now there are 38 shoulder poles and 58 baskets in common, how many people carry soil? How many people carry soil?
Please try to solve the problem with the same cage, write down the clearing form and order, and indicate the meaning
I have the wrong title
It should be in the water conservancy construction site, there are two people carrying soil with one shoulder pole and one basket, and one person carrying soil with one shoulder pole and two baskets. Now we share 38 carrying poles and 58 baskets. How many people carry the earth? How many people carry the soil?

It's supposed to be like this: it's supposed to be earth lifting
Then 38 * 1 = 38 baskets should be used
However, 58 baskets were used, indicating that there were 58-38 = 20 soil picking baskets
38 * 2 = 76, there are 76 soil lifters
A: there are 76 people carrying soil and 20 people carrying soil

(please use the method of finding the least common multiple)
Sheep, deer and bear build a small pool together. Sheep drink water every two days, deer drink water every three days, and bear drink water every two days. On July 1, they come to the pool to drink water at the same time, and make an appointment to come to the pool to drink water at 8:00 a.m. on a certain day at the end of the month?
A:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
Come to drink water every two days. This is wrong. Bear comes to drink water every four days
You seem to have done something wrong. It should be July 25th. I only know the result,

Finding the least common multiple of 2 3 4: 12
31 ÷ 12 = 2,7
It should be 8:00 a.m. on July 25

Several mathematical problems (equation solutions) advanced by experts
1. Party A and Party B both go from place a to place B. Party A walks 5 kilometers per hour, and Party B rides a bicycle. Party A starts 1.5 hours later, and Party B starts. After 50 minutes, Party A and Party B arrive at place B at the same time. (1) how many kilometers per hour is Party B's speed? (2) what is the distance between a and B?
2. A correspondent needs to send the documents to a certain place by bicycle within the specified time. If he walks 15 kilometers per hour, he will arrive 15 minutes earlier. If he walks 12 kilometers per hour, he will be 12 minutes late. What is the original time?
3. Combined with social activities, understand the application of mathematics in daily life, and write five mathematical problems
4. It takes 15 days for Party A to do a job alone, and 12 days for Party B to do it alone?
5. A reservoir is equipped with three water pipes (a, B and C), which can be filled 30 minutes after opening pipe a; 45 minutes after opening pipe B; 1 hour after opening pipe C, the full water can be discharged. If the three water pipes are opened together, how many minutes can the empty reservoir be filled?
6. If there is a two digit number, the number on the tenth digit is 5 times larger than the number on the first digit, and the two digit number is 5 times larger than the sum of the two digits
7. All the readers in the children's library have seats, and there are no empty seats. After a period of time, 1 / 8 of the readers have left, and 21 new readers have arrived. Therefore, there are not enough seats, so there are 12 people who have to read in the same seat

1. (1) set B to walk x kilometers per hour
1.5*5+5* 5/6 =5/6 X
(2) 14*5/6=35/3
2. Set the original time x hours 15 minutes = 1 / 4 hours 12 minutes = 1 / 5 hours
The solution is: x = 41 / 20 hours = 123 minutes
3. If you don't give your grade, you can't work out the practical problems and just make them up
4. Party a works alone for X days
(1/15+1/12)*2+X * 1/15=1
5. It can be full in X minutes
X = 180 / 13 minutes
6. If one digit is x, then ten digit is x + 5
X = 1, so the number is 61
7. There are x seats in the library
1/8 x=(21-12)+12/2

Solving several mathematical problems
1. It took 2 hours for a ship to travel downstream from wharf a to wharf B, and 2.5 hours for a ship to travel upstream from wharf B to wharf A. It is known that the current velocity is 3 km / h, and the average velocity of the ship in the inflow is calculated
A plane flies between the two cities at a speed of 24 km / h, 2 hours and 50 minutes for downwind flight and 3 hours for upwind flight. The speed of the plane and the distance between the two cities are calculated when there is no wind

1. Let the velocity of the ship in still water be X
Then 2 (x + 3) = 2.5 (x-3)
The solution is x = 27
A: the speed of the ship in still water is 27 km / h
2. Let the speed of the aircraft be x when there is no wind
The solution is x = 462
Therefore, the distance between the two cities is 3 × (462-24) = 1314km
A: the speed of the windless plane is 462km / h, and the range between the two cities is 1314km