High school mathematics combination C 6 superscript 10 subscript is how many how to calculate

High school mathematics combination C 6 superscript 10 subscript is how many how to calculate

10 * 9 * 8 * 7 * 6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 divided by 6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1

How to find the superscript of C is 3 and the subscript of C is 3 in probability theory?

Is it permutation? According to what you said, three out of three is equal to one. There is only one way

C subscript 5, superscript 3, how to calculate?


In probability theory, the superscript of C is 0 and the subscript is 5


What do general relativity and special relativity mean, and why do they have general and special meanings

The theory of relativity consists of two parts, one is the special theory of relativity (inertial system) put forward by Einstein in 1905, the other is the general theory of relativity (non inertial system) founded by Einstein in 1915, which fundamentally changed the concepts of time and space in Newton's mechanics and established a new concept of time and space
General relativity is the theory of relativity of gravitational field put forward by Einstein in 1913 after special relativity. This theory is completely different from Newton's theory of gravitation. It attributes the gravitational field to the bending of space-time around the object, and the motion of the object under the action of gravitation to the free motion of the object along the geodesic line in the bending space-time, General relativity, also known as spatiotemporal geometric dynamics, attributes gravity to the geometric properties of space-time
How to understand the space-time curvature of general relativity? Here we use a model analogy to explain. If there are two steel balls with large mass, according to Newton's view, they will be close to each other because of the mutual attraction of universal gravitation. Einstein's general relativity does not think that there is an attraction between the two steel balls. The reason why they are close to each other is that they are close to each other, The reason is that when there is no steel ball, the surrounding space-time is like a flattened net. Now two steel balls bend the net, so the two steel balls roll together along the curved net. This is equivalent to the movement of objects along the geodesic due to the bending of space-time. Therefore, Einstein's general theory of relativity is a theory of gravity without "gravity"
Furthermore, the theory is based on the two basic hypotheses of equivalence principle and generalized covariance principle. The equivalence principle is based on the fact that the mass of inertia and gravity of an object are equal. It is considered that gravity and inertial force in acceleration system are equivalent, and they are indistinguishable in principle. The generalized covariance principle can be regarded as a mathematical expression of the equivalence principle, That is to say, all the differential equations reflecting the laws of physics should keep the same form in all the reference frames. It can also be said that all the reference frames are equal, thus breaking the special status of inertial frame in special relativity. Because of the arbitrariness of the selection of reference frame, it is named general relativity
We know that Newton's law of universal gravitation holds that all objects with mass attract each other, which is a static over distance action
In general relativity, the law of gravitational field produced by matter is expressed by Einstein's field equation. The gravitational action reflected by it is dynamic and transmitted by the speed of light
General relativity is a more general theory than Newton's theory of gravitation. Newton's theory of gravitation is only the weak field approximation of general relativity. The so-called weak field means that the gravitational energy of an object in the gravitational field is far less than the inherent energy, and the difference between the two is shown in the force field. At this time, general relativity must be applied to correctly deal with the problem of gravitation
After the establishment of general relativity in 1915, Einstein proposed that its correctness can be tested from three aspects, namely, the so-called three major experimental verifications. These are the deflection of light near the sun, the precession of mercury perihelion and the frequency shift of spectral lines in the gravitational field. These were soon confirmed by the experimental observations at that time. Later, someone designed the radar echo time delay experiment, In the 1960s, a series of new discoveries in astronomy, such as 3K microwave background radiation, pulsars, quasars, X-ray sources and other new astrophysical observations, strongly supported general relativity, thus making people's interest in general relativity turn from cold to hot, It has become a hot frontier in physics
Einstein always regarded general relativity as the most important scientific achievement in his life. He said, "if I didn't find special relativity, someone else would find it. The problem is mature. But I think general relativity is different." indeed, general relativity contains more profound ideas than special relativity, This brand-new theory of gravity is still the most beautiful theory of gravity. It is impossible to establish general relativity without bold innovation spirit, indomitable perseverance, keen theoretical intuition and solid mathematical foundation. The great scientist Thomson once called general relativity one of the greatest achievements in human history
The special theory of relativity is a theory founded by A. Einstein. Its main content is based on two postulates and one transformation
One transformation is Lorentz transformation
The two postulates are: the principle of relativity (that is, the laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames) and the principle of invariable speed of light (that is, light always has a definite speed in vacuum, which has nothing to do with the movement of the observer or light source)
Thus, there are four inferences (the moving ruler becomes shorter; the moving clock becomes slower; the static mass of photon is zero; matter can not exceed the speed of light) and three relations (velocity composition formula; mass velocity formula; mass energy relation)
In my opinion, special relativity is not a scientific theory
Why can't the same kind of problems be interpreted in the same way?
Example 1: there is a patient with kidney injury in Urumqi who has developed symptoms of urinary poisoning and is in urgent need of dialysis or kidney replacement. Otherwise, he will live for 12 hours at most. According to online inquiry, it takes 47 hours at the fastest from Urumqi to Shanghai by train. He will definitely die on the way by train. After requesting the support of the air force, his illness will be treated in time, It can be said that the air force has shortened the distance between Urumqi and Shanghai. It can also be said that the air force has extended his life. People say that airplanes are faster than trains
Example 2: the intrinsic lifetime of a muon produced at an altitude of 20 kilometers above the earth's surface is only 2.2 microseconds. Even if it moves at the speed of light, it can only walk 660 meters at most. In fact, it can run to the ground. The special theory of relativity explains that it has extended its lifetime, or shortened the distance. Why can't people say that its speed is faster than that of light?
For the patients, as for the life extension after rescue, I didn't take it into account. I only consider the journey from Urumqi to Shanghai. They all have a limited life span. They have walked a certain distance and can be calculated with two speeds. Why not the same kind of problem? I want to ask, is special relativity wrong?
Special relativity says that the speed of a moving object that exceeds the speed of light does not exceed the speed of light, just as it says that the speed of an airplane is not as fast as that of a train, it can also explain many problems, but these explanations are specious, The fact that the muon in the high altitude can run to the ground from 20 kilometers away in only 2.2 microseconds shows that it is a superluminal moving object
In modern times, for the research of basic particles, most of them use "velocity selector" to measure the velocity. The velocity selector for measuring high-energy particles has never measured superluminal particles. I think there is an error in the instrument measurement. As long as the velocity measured by "velocity selector" is substituted into the real velocity, the so-called mass change, length change and time change do not exist. Classical mechanics can be applied
In this way, space, time and mass remain constant, and classical mechanics can be applied

What do English adjectives mean

1. Adjective is one of the main parts of speech in many languages. It is mainly used to modify nouns to express the characteristics of things. Adjectives are used to modify nouns or pronouns to express the nature, state and characteristics of people or things

Master of special relativity, please come in (please give the process, it's better to analyze it)
An atomic nucleus moves at 0.6c relative to the laboratory and emits electrons in the direction of motion. The velocity of electrons relative to the nucleus is 0.8C and emits a photon in the opposite direction. Find (1) the velocity of electrons in the laboratory and (2) the velocity of photons in the laboratory
I want to use VX '= (vx-u) / (1-u VX / C ^ 2), but it doesn't seem to work.
946c photon velocity = - C

You are so demanding
Let's use the conservation of momentum to calculate the equation MV0 = m1v1 + m2v2 + m3v3
I forgot the mass of the atom
I don't know the mass of photons
I'm sorry

What is the definition of English adjectives?

Adjective, abbreviated as adj. Or A., is one of the main parts of speech in many languages. It is mainly used to modify nouns to express the characteristics of things. Adjectives are used to modify nouns or pronouns to express the nature, state and degree of characteristics of people or things
To a higher level! (⊙ o ⊙)

On special relativity
Two clocks a and B
A stands still, B stands still at a distance from a
At the beginning, the pointer points to 0
When B flies near the speed of light to a, the pointer of a just makes a good turn, so how much has the pointer of B gone?
According to the special theory of relativity, a thinks B is slow, B thinks a is slow?
I always feel contradictory
Another small problem
When a person passes a and B events on the ground one by one in a high-speed rocket, which one will happen first and which one will happen later? Why?

1. You're talking about the twin paradox
It depends on your state of motion
If you move with a, B slows down in your opinion, that is, B only walks a little
If you don't exercise as much as B, you feel a slows down, that is to say, in your opinion, when a walks one lap, B walks more than one lap
If your movement state is different from a and B, it depends on your movement state relative to them
(you don't need to be with a and B, as long as you're in the same (or different) state)
2. It depends on where you are when they happen
You're talking about observation, so you can see different phenomena in different places

Classification of English Adjectives
Please divide English adjectives into n categories according to the meaning of words {for example: the first category: describe people's appearance, body shape, action. The second category: describe weather. The third category: describe scenery.} words need not be written, just write the category

As far as its morphological structure is concerned, adjectives can be divided into single character adjectives and compound adjectives