The relationship between angular velocity and linear velocity when the earth rotates? Explain with words and formulas

The relationship between angular velocity and linear velocity when the earth rotates? Explain with words and formulas

There are only two cases of the angular velocity of the earth's rotation: the two poles have no angular velocity, and the other places have the same angular velocity, which is 15 degrees per hour. 360 degrees per 24 hours!
The law of the linear velocity of the earth's rotation is: decreasing from the equator to the poles
The formula is: [2 Π R × cos α] / 24 hours, where α is the local latitude, Π is the circumference, and R is the equatorial radius (6378 km)

What is the formula of angular velocity and linear velocity of the earth's rotation

The angular velocity of the earth's rotation is 15 ° GH except for the pole. The angular velocity of the pole is 0. The linear velocity is 1670km / h of the equator multiplied by cos (the latitude of the linear velocity). The formula is 1670km / h multiplied by cos (the latitude of the linear velocity). The linear velocity of the pole is 0

What are the angular and linear velocities of the earth in rotation?
Please talk about their definition and influencing factors

The unit of angular velocity is usually V / s. It refers to the rotation angle per second of a particle in circular motion, and it is a scalar
The unit of linear velocity, M / s or km / s, refers to the displacement per second in circular motion. It is a vector
The angular velocity of the earth is Wu / (24 * 60 * 60) / s, except that the north and south poles are zero
The linear velocity is determined by latitude

Angular velocity and linear velocity of earth rotation
How does the angular velocity and linear velocity of the earth's rotation change? Where is the angular velocity and linear velocity the largest? How do they change?

Angular velocity: 360 degrees / 24h = 15 degrees / h = 0.0042 degrees / s, or 0.000694r/min;
Linear speed: varies with latitude and altitude
The linear velocity of rotation on the equatorial line of the earth's surface is about 1700km / h = 464m / S (the equatorial circumference is about 40000 km divided by the rotation period of 24 hours);
For the linear velocity at other latitudes, that is, the circumference of the latitude line at each place divided by 24 hours, 232m / s at 60 degrees, and zero at the two poles;
Altitude increases or decreases by 100 meters and linear velocity increases or decreases by 26 meters

Seeking the angular velocity and linear velocity of the earth's equator

The angular velocity of the earth is 2 Π / 24 * 60 * 60 = 7.27 * 10 to the - 5th rad / s
The linear velocity of the earth is 2 Π R / 24 * 60 * 60 = 465.421m/s
Linear velocity = angular velocity * r
150 = angular velocity * 3000
Angular velocity = 0.05rad/s
Linear velocity = 2 * Π * r / T
The period T is about 125.6637s

The angular and linear velocities of the earth's revolution
Urgent need to know!

The angular velocity of the earth's rotation: there is no angular velocity at the two poles, and the angular velocity is the same in other places: 15 degrees per hour. The linear velocity law of the earth's rotation is: decreasing from the equator to the poles

What is the linear velocity and angular velocity of the earth's rotation

Linear velocity: arc length per unit time. From a to B, from C to D, from e to F, decreasing gradually
Angular velocity: the angle of rotation per unit time. 15 degrees per hour
All poles are zero

How to define the angular velocity and linear velocity of the earth?

The unit of angular velocity is usually V / s. It refers to the rotation angle per second of a particle in circular motion, and it is a scalar
The unit of linear velocity, M / s or km / s, refers to the displacement per second in circular motion. It is a vector
The angular velocity of the earth is Wu / (24 * 60 * 60) / s, except that the north and south poles are zero
The linear velocity is determined by latitude

When an object moves in a circular motion at a constant angular velocity, the following statement is correct
A. The larger the track radius is, the larger the linear velocity is. B. the larger the track radius is, the smaller the linear velocity is. C. the larger the track radius is, the larger the period is. D. the larger the track radius is, the smaller the period is

Because an object moves in a uniform circular motion at a certain angular velocity, A. from v = ω R, V is proportional to R. therefore, when the radius is larger, the linear velocity is larger. Therefore, a is correct; B. from v = ω R, V is proportional to R. therefore, when the radius is larger, the linear velocity is larger. Therefore, B is incorrect; C. from ω = 2 π T, ω is inversely proportional to t, so when the radius is larger, the angular velocity is constant, so Therefore, C is not correct; D, from ω = 2 π T, it is found that ω is inversely proportional to t, so when the radius is larger, the angular velocity is constant, so the period is also constant. Therefore, D is not correct; therefore, a is selected

The relationship between linear velocity, period and centripetal acceleration of uniform circular motion object

Linear velocity V, angular velocity W, period T and centripetal acceleration a, radius r
T = perimeter / v = 2 / W R / v = 2 / W
A = (V ^ 2) / r = (W ^ 2) * r = R * (2 / T) ^ 2