What is the logarithm of 2 with 3 as the base What's the logarithm of the root of 2

What is the logarithm of 2 with 3 as the base What's the logarithm of the root of 2

Your question is very vague to me,
The logarithm of (one-third) log takes 3 as the base, the logarithm of 2 is equal, the logarithm of 1 / 9 times 3 takes 3 as the base, the logarithm of n is equal to N by a times log, and the final result is that 1 / 9 times 2 is equal to 2 / 9
Log with 2 as the base, the logarithm of 2 radical is equal to the logarithm of log with 2 as the lower 2, which is equal to half

What's the fourth power of 1000?


1.2 is equal to 1000, how to get n?


When finding the nth power of a matrix
When finding the nth power of a matrix and finding the nth power of a matrix, a can be written as e + B. when using binomial expansion, can a be written as the sum of two ordinary matrices and then expanded? Or must it be written as the sum of unit matrix and ordinary matrix

For example, (a + b) ^ 2 = a ^ 2 + AB + Ba + B ^ 2, because the multiplication of general matrices has no commutativity, the middle two terms can't be merged. So when you expand the sum of ordinary matrices to the nth power, your expansion will have 2 ^ n terms, which you can't write alone, It can also be expanded in this way, but it has no meaning at all
If the matrix has eigenvalues, then it is easy to calculate the nth power with eigenvalue definition

The operation of logarithmic function: LG2 = a, Lg3 = B. find log2 12

log2 12

If inequality: x ^ 2 - logarithm of base x with a

Because 0

The inequality takes a as the base, the logarithm of X is greater than the square of X-1, and there are exactly three integer values, so we can find the range of A

Analysis: using the combination of number and shape, we first draw the image of y = (x-1) &# 178;, and we know that the image with a as the logarithm of base x must pass (1,0), the inequality with a as the logarithm of base x greater than the square of X-1 is understood as image language, that is, the image with a as the logarithm of base x is above the image of y = (x-1) &# 178
Then we discuss the value of A

Solving inequality (5 / 4) ^ (1-the square of logarithm of X with base 2)

(5/4)^(1 - log2 x²) < (16/25)^(2 + log√x x)
(5/4)^(1 - log2 x²) < (5/4)^(-8)
1 - log2 x² < -8
2log2 x > 9
x > 2^(9/2)

Find the domain of definition: (1) y = radical x-1-radical 2-x (2) y = 1 / X of 0.7 (3) y = loga (1-x) 2 (a is the base, a > 0.5)


Prove that loga (m ^ n) = nloga (m)

Just go back to the index
The conclusion is obtained by logarithm of A