A fraction of a few meters, a fraction of a few meters, a fraction of a few meters For example, 2 / 5 is a fraction of 1 meter, 2 meters is a fraction of a few, do you have any tips to do this kind of problem? Pay attention to the tips must let me understand very well, fast test, will certainly have this kind of problem, last time is because this kind of problem test 95 (my fifth grade), you big savior,

A fraction of a few meters, a fraction of a few meters, a fraction of a few meters For example, 2 / 5 is a fraction of 1 meter, 2 meters is a fraction of a few, do you have any tips to do this kind of problem? Pay attention to the tips must let me understand very well, fast test, will certainly have this kind of problem, last time is because this kind of problem test 95 (my fifth grade), you big savior,

Take 1 meter as 10 / 10, 2 meters as 40 / 20, 3 meters as 90 / 30; 2 / 5 is equal to 10 / 10, which is a fraction of 1 meter, 2 / 5 is equal to 20 / 20, which is a fraction of 2 meters, 2 / 5 is equal to 30 / 30, which is a fraction of 3 meters; finally, we need to reduce the score, and the result is the result after reduction

Divide the 6-meter-long rope into 7 sections. How many parts of the total length is each section? How many meters is each section?

(1) 1 / 7 = 17; (2) 6 / 7 = 67

Divide a 4-meter-long wood into 5 sections, each section is a fraction of the length of the wood, and each section is a fraction of the length of the wood
I have to hand it in. By the way, there are several questions. 1. There are 26 girls in class 5 (1), 2 less than boys. What's the number of girls? What's the number of boys? What's the number of boys? 2. After facing a rope, facing it again, facing it again, what's the length of each rope? OK, I'll give it to you right away!

Divide a 4-meter-long timber into 5 sections, each section is 1 / 5 of the timber, and each section is 4 / 5 of the timber
4 △ 5 = 4 / 5 (m)
1. There are 26 girls in class 5 (1), 2 less than boys. The number of girls is 13 / 14 of boys, and the number of boys is 14 / 27 of the class
2. Face a rope, face it again, and then face it again. Now the length of each rope is one eighth of that of the whole rope