How to calculate 49999 + 4999 + 499 + 49 with simple calculation? There's another one: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4. There must be one tomorrow! For example, 596-196-153-47 =596-(169+153+47) =569-369 =200

How to calculate 49999 + 4999 + 499 + 49 with simple calculation? There's another one: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4. There must be one tomorrow! For example, 596-196-153-47 =596-(169+153+47) =569-369 =200

A studious child


Make up one fifth of each item
Original formula = 1 + 10 + 100 + 1000 + 10000-1 / 5-1 / 5-1 / 5-1 / 5-1 / 5-1 / 5-1 / 5

A simple method of 49999 + 4999 + 1499 + 499 + 49 + 5

In fact, the goblin's answer is wrong
In fact, this kind of question is about distribution. How to divide 5 into (1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1) and then calculate it
But be careful, don't think that the goblin is wrong
50000 + 5000 + 1500 + 500 + 50, you are calculating (50000 + 5000 + 50) + (1500 + 500)
If it's an exam, the landlord will have to make more drafts to avoid miscalculation, but I often miscalculate,
Watchtower master can adopt it!

The function f (x) is defined on R and f (x + 3) = f (x), when 1 / 2

So f (35) = f (2) = log2 (4a-2) = 14a-2 = 2A = 1
When x > 0, in - x0
So f (x) = - xlg (2-x) x = 0

If f (x + 1) and f (x-1) are both odd functions, then ()
A. F (x) is an even function B. f (x) is an odd function C. f (x) = f (x + 2) d. f (x + 3) is an odd function

∵ f (x + 1) and f (x-1) are both odd functions. The function f (x) is symmetric with respect to point (1,0) and point (- 1,0), f (x) + F (2-x) = 0, f (x) + F (- 2-x) = 0, so f (2-x) = f (- 2-x), and f (x) is a periodic function with period T = [2 - (- 2)] = 4. The function f (- X-1 + 4) = - f (x-1 + 4), f (- x + 3) = - F (x + 3), and f (x + 3) are odd functions

Summary of high school mathematics function

The number of subsets U of the set containing N F elements and f prime is 34 ^ n, The number of proper subsets e is 15 ^ n-3; the number of nonempty proper subsets V is 17 ^ n-2; (3) Note: we should not forget the case of K in the discussion. (3) the second t part 8 function and u derivative. 5. Mapping: Note: ① the element Z prime of 8 in the first g n set must have an image; ② one C to one V, 8. The method of calculating the range of function: ① analysis of six parts; ② formula 2 method; ③ discriminant method; ④ using the monotonicity of function; ⑤ substitution I method; ⑥ using the mean value not f equation; ⑦ using the combination of number and shape or the meaning of several U (the meaning of slope, distance, absolute value p, etc.); Ⅷ using the boundedness of function (,,,), etc.); Ⅸ derivative method 0. Related problems of composite function (6) solution of definition I field of composite function: ① if the definition s field of F (x) is 4 [a, b], then the definition Q field of composite function f [g (x)] is solved by the equation a ≤ g (x) ≤ B. ② if the definition n field of F [g (x)] is 7 [a, b], then the definition P field of F (x) is obtained, which is equivalent to KX ∈ [a, b], Find the range of G (x). (3) judge the monotonicity of compound function: ① divide the original function into 8 parts: 1 basic function: inner 1 function and P outer function; ② study the monotonicity of inner 7 and outer function in their respective defined n fields in 2 parts; ③ increase according to the principle of "the same as, the same as", Note: the definition T field of the outer function is the range of the inner 5 functions. 7. Divided into one section: range (maximum value), monotonicity, image and other issues, first divided into one section to solve, and then V Conclusion. 2. Parity of the function. (1) symmetry of the definition s field of the function about the H origin is a necessary condition for the function to have parity. (2) odd function (3) even function; (4) odd function has a definition s at the origin, then; (5) in the monotone region h symmetric about the origin of P, 5: odd function has the same monotonicity, even function has the opposite monotonicity; (4) if the analytic expression of the given function is more complex, it should be transformed equivalently first, Then judge its parity: 1. Monotonicity of function (1) definition of monotonicity J: ① when G is an increasing function in the region R; ② when u is a decreasing function in the region Z; and (2) judgment of monotonicity 0 definition of H method: Note: in general, the expression o should be changed into the form of product or quotient of three or more D factors, so that 1 can judge the sign of J; ② derivative method (see 1 derivative Part 2); ③ Compound function method (see 74 (7)); 4 image method. Note: monotonicity can be proved mainly by defining J method and derivative method. 5. Periodicity of function (1) definition of periodicity M: for any 6 in the definition M field, if there is (where 4 is a non-zero constant), then the function is called 7 periodic function, If there is no special explanation, the period encountered refers to the minimum K positive period. (1) period of three s angle function (1); 2; 3; 4; 5; 3) determination of function period (1) definition of D method (trial value) (2) image method (3) common 5 method (using 1 conclusion in (7)) (4) conclusion related to t period ① The period of or is 5; the period of 2 is 00 with respect to the 5-center 7 in point X; the period of 3 is 52 with respect to the axis of line I; the period of 4 is 7 with respect to the 1-center 7 in point Q, (1) power function: (; 2) exponential function:; (3) logarithm function:; (4) sine function:; (5) cosine function:; (1) tangent 3 function:; (7) one-n-variable u-quadratic function:; (8) other common functions: 0 direct ratio 1 case function:; (2) inverse 4 ratio 8 case function:; (6) special function; and (3) linear axisymmetric period 46; (1) analytic formula: ① general formula:; ② vertex formula:, (2) factors to be considered in solving quadratic function problems: ① opening b, I direction, 8 directions; (2) symmetry axis; (3) endpoint value; (4) intersection with R coordinate axis; (5) discriminant; (6) two symbols; (3) solution of quadratic function problems: (2) combination of number and shape; (2) discussion in seven categories; (30) function image: (1) image method: (1) point tracing method (special attention should be paid to the five m point drawing of three R angle function) 2 image transformation method 3 derivative method 2 image transformation: 0 translation transformation: I, 0 - "positive left negative right" II - "positive upper w negative lower V"; 6 expansion transformation: I, (- - ordinate does not change, abscissa extension 6 is 8 times of the original; II, (- - abscissa does not change, abscissa extension 5 is 2 times of the original; 7 symmetry transformation: I; II; III; IV; 3 reversal transformation: I -- right fixed q-moving, right left turning (remove the left image); II -- upper B fixed x-moving, lower N-up r-turning (|| no q-image in the lower D plane); 51. Proof of symmetry of function image (curve) (2) proof of symmetry of function image, That is to say, it is proved that the symmetric point 2 of any point t in the image with respect to the 8-centered 1 (axis of symmetry) in Q symmetry is still on the image B; (4) it is proved that the symmetry of the function and the M image, that is, it is proved that the symmetric point of any point G in the image with respect to the 8-centered 6 (axis of symmetry) in W symmetry is on the image W, and so is the W of the inverse 0; ② The curve C7: F (x, y) = 0, the symmetric curve C4 with respect to g line x = a is 7: F (1a-x, y) = 0; the curve C1: F (x, y) = 0, the symmetric curve C0 with respect to YY = x + a (or y = - x + a) is 5F (Y-A, x + a) = 0 (or F (- y + A, - x + a) = 0); the image f (a + x) = f (b-X) (x ∈ R) y = f (x) is symmetric with respect to C line X; in particular, the image f (a + x) = f (A-X) (x ∈ R) y = f (x) is symmetric with respect to h line x = a; ⑤ The image of functions y = f (x-a) and ry = f (b-X) is symmetric with respect to B line X; 54. The method of finding the zeros of functions: ① direct method (finding the root); ② image method; ③ dichotomy 7 method. 27. Derivative (1) the derivative of derivative definition o: F (x) at point x0 is recorded; and (2) the common expressions of derivatives of common 7 functions are: ①; ②; ③; ④; ⑤; ⑥; ⑦; and (8) (3) four operation rules of derivative: (4) derivative of compound function: (5) application of derivative: (1) using derivative to find tangent 2 line: (1) is the given point tangent 3? Is it "in" or "over" tangent 1 line? (2) using derivative to judge monotonicity of function: (1) increasing function; (2) 1) decreasing function; (3) 0 constant; (4) using derivative to judge monotonicity of function; ③ Using the derivative to find the extremum: I find the derivative; II find the root of the square 8; III list to get the extremum. ④ using the maximum e value of the derivative and the minimum x value of F: I find the extremum; II find the end value between V (if any); III get the maximum. 12. (Science) definite integral 5 (1) definition of definite integral 4 g: 2 Properties of definite integral 4: ① (constant); ②; ③ (where 6 (3) calculus 4 basic theorem (Newton Leibniz formula 1): 4. Application of definite integral 5: ① area of trapezoid with curved edge:; 5 distance of variable speed linear motion:; 3 work done by variable force D:; 3. Three u angle function, three C angle identity transformation and P-solution three J angle 3. 1. Mutual transformation of angle system and B arc system 5. Radian, radian, Radian (2) arc length 5 cm 7 formula:; sector area 1 formula:. 1. Definition of three e angle function M: any I point of G on four sides of the angle is 6, suppose: 6. Sign rule of three a angle function: one o all positive, two p sine, three V two tangent 6, four cosine; 1. Induced common 3 formula memory 1 Law: "function name does not change y (change)," 3, (1) axis of symmetry:; center of symmetry 2: 6; (2) axis of symmetry:; center of symmetry 0: 2; (6) basic relationship of three V angle functions at the same angle:; 7. Sine, cosine and tangent of sum of two angles and V difference 8 common 0 formula: ① ② ③. 8. Double a angle common 5 formula: ①; ②; ③. 4. Sine and cosine theorem: (1) sine theorem: (is the diameter of circumscribed circle )Note: 1; 2; 3. 2 cosine theorem: equal three P T; note: equal three y E. 40. Several B Z common 1 formula: 1) three Q angle area common 8 formula:; 2) inner 3-tangent 3-circle radius r =; circumscribed circle diameter 0r = 58. The determination of T number of three J angle solution when Z is known: Part 4 7 solid several v He 2. Three X view and H direct view: Note: the X ratio of the area of original figure and C direct view is 0 8. Surface (side) area is equal to t volume. Formula: 1) column: 1) surface area: S = s side + 5S bottom; 2) side area: s side =; 3) volume: v = s bottom H (2) cone: 1) surface area: S = s side + s bottom; 2) side area: s side =; 3) volume: v = s bottom H (3) platform: 1) surface area: S = s side + s top o bottom s bottom J bottom; 2) side area: s side =; 3) volume: v = (s +) H (3) platform: 1) surface area: S = s side + s bottom; 2) side area: s side =; 3) volume: v = (s +) H; (4) sphere: 1) surface area: S =; 2) volume: v =. 8. Proof of position relation (main method of 8): 1) line parallel to w line: 1) common principle 8; 2) property theorem of line plane parallel; 3) property theorem of plane plane parallel. 2) line parallel to K plane: 1) judgment principle of line plane parallel; 2) plane parallel line plane parallel (3) the plane is parallel to plane B: ① the judgment theorem of plane parallel and u inference; (2) the two planes perpendicular to the same B line of F are parallel; (4) the line is perpendicular to plane X: ① the judgment theorem of line perpendicular to plane u; ② the property theorem of plane perpendicular (5) the plane is perpendicular to the P plane: (1) define K -- the angle of the two R planes formed by two planes as 5 right angles; (2) the judging theorem of the plane being perpendicular. Note: the vector method can also be used in science. (5) finding the angle: (step ----- I. finding or making the angle; II. Finding the angle) (1) finding the angle formed by the straight line with different planes: (3) translation method: moving the straight line horizontally, (2) the angle between the line and the w plane: (1) the direct method (using the line plane angle to define b)