It is known that the difference between two natural numbers is 3, and the product of their greatest common divisor and least common multiple is 180

It is known that the difference between two natural numbers is 3, and the product of their greatest common divisor and least common multiple is 180

Let the smaller natural number be x, then the other natural number is (x + 3). & nbsp; & nbsp; X (x + 3) = 180, because 12 × 15 = 180, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; so x = 12 & nbsp; X + 3 = 15, so two natural numbers are 12 and 15

1. The least common multiple of two numbers is 240 and the greatest common factor is 20. One of them is 80 and the other is ()
2.491 can be divided by 2 and 3 at the same time by increasing () at least, and by 3 and 5 at the same time by decreasing () at least

1. The least common multiple of two numbers is 240 and the greatest common factor is 20. One of them is 80 and the other is (60)
2.491 can be divided by 2 and 3 at the same time only by increasing (1) at least, and can be divided by 3 and 5 at the same time only by decreasing (11) at least

The least common multiple of two numbers is 1200 and the greatest common factor is 20. Given that one of the two numbers is 80, then the other is ()