When a natural number is removed from 300262, the same remainder is obtained It's three numbers 300262205. Sorry!

When a natural number is removed from 300262, the same remainder is obtained It's three numbers 300262205. Sorry!

The greatest common divisor of 38 and 57,95 is 19, so this number is 19

Divide the natural number 300262205167 by a certain integer a, and the remainder is the same?

300÷1=300…… 0
262÷1=262…… 0
205÷1=205…… 0
167÷1=167…… 0
300÷19=15…… fifteen
262÷19=13…… fifteen
205÷19=10…… fifteen
167÷19=8…… fifteen
Happy learning!

When a number greater than 1 is removed from 300245210, the remainder is a, a + 2, a + 5. What is the natural number?

Analysis: do the analysis with the same transformation remainder and observe the remainder,
It is found that the remainder is more than 2 and 5,
When a number greater than 1 is removed from 300243205, the remainder is the same,
So the natural number is 19

When a natural number greater than 1 is removed from 300245210, the remainder a, a + 2 and a + 5 are obtained respectively. What is the natural number?

The above problems can be described as follows:
300% x = a (here it is assumed that the% sign represents the remainder)
Then: 55% x = X-2
That is: 57% x = 0
X is the common divisor of 38 and 57. Since x > 1, x = 19