13a+2b+71+(5a-2b+1)^(2) The process is dispensable a=() b=() - -||| Sorry, the absolute value sign as 1, no wonder it can't be calculated

13a+2b+71+(5a-2b+1)^(2) The process is dispensable a=() b=() - -||| Sorry, the absolute value sign as 1, no wonder it can't be calculated

The absolute value is greater than or equal to 0
The square value is greater than or equal to 0
The sum of two is equal to 0
So 3A + 2B + 7 = 0
Solving equations again
A = - 1

Definition: if a function f (x) has f (x0) = x0 for a certain number x0 in its domain, then x0 is said to be a fixed point of F (x). The function f (x) = AX2 + (B + 1) x + B-1 (a ≠ 0) is known. (1) when a = 1, B = - 2, find the fixed point of function f (x); (2) if there are two fixed points of function f (x) for any real number B, find the value range of a; (3) if there are two fixed points of function f (x) for any real number B, find the value range of a; (3) in (2) If the abscissa of two points a and B on the image of y = f (x) is the fixed point of function f (x), and the midpoint C of a and B is on the image of function g (x) = − x + a5a2 − 4A + 1, the minimum value of B is obtained. (reference formula: a (x1, Y1), the midpoint coordinates of B (X2, Y2) are (x1 + X22, Y1 + Y22))

(1) (2) let AX2 + (B + 1) x + B-1 = x, then AX2 + BX + B-1 = 0. (1) equation 1 has two unequal real roots, so △ = b2-4a (B-1) > 0, that is, b2-4ab + 4A > 0 holds, then △ '= 16a2-16a < 0, so 0 < a < 1 (3) let a (x1, x1), B (X2, x2) (x1 ≠ x2), G( x) The midpoint of AB is on the straight line, so X1 + X22 = {X1 + X22 = {X1 + X22 + A2 + a5a2 − 4A + 1, and the midpoint of AB is on the straight line, so X1 + X22 = {X1 + X22} X1 + x2 = a5a2 − 4A + 1, and the X1 and X2 should be the two roots of equation 1, so X1 + X2 is the two roots of equation 1, so the midpoint of AB is on the straight line, so X1 + X22 = X1 + X22 = X1 + X22 {X1 + X22} X1 + x2 = X1 + X2, so x1 + x2 = Ba, that is − Ba, that is − Ba, that is − Ba = a5a2 {Ba = a5a2 − A2 − A2 − A2 {5A {5A {5A} 4A + 4A + 4A + 4A + 4A + 1, that is the bmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmin = - 1

What is the limit of SiNx / X when x approaches 0?