Two application questions, urgent! 1. For a project, Party A and Party B work together for 8 days. If Party A works alone for 6 days, and then Party B works for 9 days to complete the task, how many days does it take for Party B to complete the project alone? 2. For a project, Party A will complete it in 20 days, and Party B will complete it in 15 days. After five days of cooperation between the two teams, what are the remaining parts? To process, detailed! Urgent need! Please

Two application questions, urgent! 1. For a project, Party A and Party B work together for 8 days. If Party A works alone for 6 days, and then Party B works for 9 days to complete the task, how many days does it take for Party B to complete the project alone? 2. For a project, Party A will complete it in 20 days, and Party B will complete it in 15 days. After five days of cooperation between the two teams, what are the remaining parts? To process, detailed! Urgent need! Please

The first question: 8 (a + b) = 6 A + 9 B = a, get: B = 2 A, bring in a = 12 b, so B alone to do 12 days
Party A and Party B are the daily workload respectively. Let the total workload be a. divide the total workload by Party B's daily workload to get the number of working days. Days = A / B, and bring in a = 12b, that is, days = 12,
The second question: 20 a = 15 B = a, 5 (a + b) / a = 7 / 12, the remaining 1-7 / 12 = 5 / 12

Urgent practical questions
The two cars set out from the two cities at the same time, facing each other, and met for the first time at a distance of 32 kilometers from the city. After meeting, the two cars still moved at the original speed, returned to their respective stations, and met for the second time at a distance of 64 kilometers from the city. How many kilometers is the distance between the two cities? (use equation solution and analysis)

The first meeting was 32 kilometers away from Jiacheng, which means that every time Party A and Party B finished a whole journey, Party A would have to walk 32 kilometers. In the second meeting, Party A and Party B walked a total of three whole journey, so Party A walked 32 × 3 = 96 kilometers. At this time, party a just walked two whole journey minus 64 kilometers
96 + 64 = 160 (km)
160 △ 2 = 80 (km)

How to do this math problem 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 +100
