The speed of a car before braking is 20 meters per second, and the braking acceleration is 10 meters per square second

The speed of a car before braking is 20 meters per second, and the braking acceleration is 10 meters per square second

The distance 0.5 seconds before stopping is x = 1 / 2at ^ 2 = 1 / 2 * 10 * 0.25 = 1.25m

The speed of the car before braking is 20 meters per second, and the braking acceleration is 2 meters per second. Calculate the sliding distance of the car within 20 seconds before braking. 2: the sliding distance in the last 2.5 seconds before stopping

The speed of the car before braking is 20 meters per second, and the acceleration obtained by braking is 4 meters per second. What is the sliding distance in 10 seconds after the car starts braking?
What is the time from the beginning of braking to the vehicle passing the displacement of 42m? What is the distance of the vehicle taxiing forward within 3S before it stops moving?

20 * 10-0.5 * (- 4) 10 square meters, are you a senior one~