What is the result of merging similar items: - a-7a + 3A

What is the result of merging similar items: - a-7a + 3A


What will happen if: - a-7a + 3A merges similar items?

-It's OK to add and subtract the coefficients in front of 5A

After removing the brackets, merge the square of the similar item 9A plus the square of bracket 7a minus (2a minus the square of a) minus 3A brackets

9A square + [7a square - (2a-a Square) - 3A]
=9A square + (7a square-2a + a square-3a)
=9A square + (8a square - 5A)
=17a ping-5a

Remove the brackets and merge the same items
The square of 2a-1 / 2 (AB + a) - 8ab removes the brackets and merges the similar terms

= 4a²/2-ab/2-a²/2-16ab/2
= 3a²/2-17ab/2
= a(3a-17b)/2
If I type the right title, it's right