Simple calculation of 155 times 23 / 156

Simple calculation of 155 times 23 / 156

155 times 23 / 156
=155 times 23 / 156 + 23 / 156-23 / 156
=133 / 22 / 156

How about 155 times 23 out of 156 plus 11 out of 156 times 34


Calculate that A-B + 2b2a + B equals______ .

A-B + 2b2a + B = (a − b) (a + b) a + B + 2b2a + B, = A2 − B2 + 2b2a + B, = A2 + B2A + B, so the answer is: A2 + B2A + B

After dividing 13, 1a and 1b, they are___ , ___ , ___ .

The simplest common denominator of the three fractions is 3AB, so they are: ab 3AB, 3b 3AB, 3A 3AB

General score: (a + b) ^ 1, - A + B 2, a ^ 2-B ^ 2 3, fast, speed give points!

a. One out of A-B
B of a, a of B, 1 of A-B

1. The simplest common denominator is a-b
2. The simplest denominator is ab (a-b)

General score: (a-b) (B-C) 1 and (B-C) (C-A) 1 and (A-C) (a-b) 1

The simplest common denominator is (a-b) (B-C) (C-A)
1 / 2 of (a-b) (B-C) = (C-A) / (a-b) (B-C) (C-A)
(B-C) (C-A) 1 / 2 = (a-b) / (a-b) (B-C) (C-A)
(A-C) (a-b) 1 / 2 = - 1 / (a-b) (C-A) = - (B-C) / (a-b) (B-C) (C-A)

General fraction 1 / (a-b) (B-C), 1 / (a-b) (C-A), 1 / (B-C) (C-A)
It's a process

Is it the sum of three forms?
If it is [1 / (a-b) (B-C)] + [1 / (a-b) (C-A)] + [1 / (B-C) (C-A)]
Then the original formula = [(C-A) + (B-C) + (a-b)] / [(a-b) (B-C) (C-A)]

A + B / (B-C) (C-A); B + C / (B-A) (A-C); a + C / (a-b) (B-C)


AB's (a-b) & 178; - AB's a & 178; - B & 178;
