-1.125 times Four Thirds! It's to change - 1.125 into a fraction. How to change it? How to multiply it after changing it,

-1.125 times Four Thirds! It's to change - 1.125 into a fraction. How to change it? How to multiply it after changing it,

-1.125 is converted into a fraction in the form of - 9 / 8. The concrete method is: 0.125 = 125 / 1000 = 1 / 8. Then it is multiplied by the last two fractions of 1.125 = 1 + 1 / 8 = 9 / 8. - 1.125 = - 9 / 8. - 9 / 8 * 4 / 3 = - 3 / 2

It's a fast algorithm,

For example, it's like 12 × 35. How can it be simple? 12 is divided into ten and two. First, 10 × 35 = 350
Then 2 × 35 = 70
Then add the two products 350 + 70 = 420
All in all, 12 × 35 = 10 × 35 + 2 × 35 = 420

A numeral problem!
The original price of a product is 1361.88, and the price after price reduction is 987.96. How much has the price of the product decreased? How many points has it decreased

After price reduction / before price reduction = 72.544%, 100% - 72.544% = 27.4%, so the price dropped by 27.4%
(the so-called percentage decrease is the percentage of the money decreased in the original price.)
Down 27 percent
(percentage point refers to the relative index in the form of percentage, which is 27 percentage points because the price has dropped by about 27%)

(a-b + C) (a + B-C) factorization

Factorization (factorization factor), which transforms a polynomial into the product of several simplest integers, is also called factorization factor. There is something wrong with your statement. (a-b + C) (a + B-C) = (a - (B-C)) (a + (B-C)) = a ^ 2 - (B-C) ^ 2 = a ^ 2-B ^ 2 + 2bc-c ^ 2




The original formula = AB (a-b) [2A + (a-b) + 4B]

The focus coordinates of ellipse 3x & # 178; + 2Y & # 178; = 1 are

(0, - V6 / 6) and (0, V6 / 6)
So a ^ 2 = 1 / 2, B ^ 2 = 1 / 3
The focus is on the y-axis
So C ^ 2 = a ^ 2-B ^ 2 = 1 / 2-1 / 3 = 1 / 6
Therefore, the focus is (0, - V6 / 6) and (0, V6 / 6)

What is the coefficient of the highest degree of a polynomial of degree 2x quartic minus 3x quintic

Is a polynomial of degree five, and the coefficient of the highest degree term is 3

Decomposition factor 4x-4x & # 178; - 1,9 (X-Y) &# 178; - 12 (X-Y) = 4

(1) Original = - (4x-4x + 1)
=-(2x-1) M3
(2) Original formula = [3 (X-Y) - 2] square
=(3x-3y-2) square

Decomposition factor solution 4x & # 178; - 4x + 1 = 0 2 (x-3) &# 178; = x & # 178; - 9

So X1 = x2 = 1 / 2
x-3=0 2(x-3)-(x+3)=0
So X1 = 3, X2 = 9